Questions tagged [isa-server]

155 questions
2 answers

ISA 2006 SP1 - SSL Client Certificate Authentication in Workgroup Environment

We have an IIS6 website that was previously published using an ISA 2006 SP1 standard server publishing rule. In IIS we had required a client certificate be provided before the website could be accessed... this all worked fine and dandy. Now we wish…
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ISA and IIS logs

In our network there is an ISA (2000) webproxy. It forwards requests to various IIS servers further down. Each request results in a log entry on the ISA server and another log entry on the IIS server the request is forwarded to. How would you match…
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Authenticating Internal / External Users w/ MOSS 2007 & ISA 2006

I'm looking for a solution to be able to authenticate internal and external users to MOSS 2007 using different authentication methods, but the same URL. Here's the scenario: Internal Users: Authenticate using RSA SecureID w/ AD #1 External Users:…
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IIS not listening on port 80

We have server 2003 and ISA 2004 with IIS 6 on same machnie. Everything worked well till yesterday, when we try to make some new rule in ISA..but this is a long story... Unfortunatelly something happend with our intranet site. Our site is on the…
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Client VPN works, but only from certain locations (ISA/TMG)

I've done something very simple. Or so I thought... I have setup VPN client access in TMG (or ISA, they're pretty alike). I created a group called VPN in AD, added that as allowed VPN users in TMG, setup a IP scope for VPN clients…
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Kerberos passthrough with Microsoft ISA/TMG and SAP EP - Internet Explorer is confused if https

I've been struggling with this prob since a while and I start being desperate to find a solution. Here's my problem: I have setup a SAP Enterprise Portal which is published via Microsoft ISA. ISA is used to publish the page via HTTPS (only HTTP on…
1 answer

How do you configure SSO to SharePoint from an iPad?

I've been asked to look at implementing SSO from an iPad to a SharePoint 2007 installation. This could use ISA Server 2006 or any other product. Is this possible? If so how? I was thinking installing client certificates on an iPad, using them on the…
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7 answers

Ubuntu 10.04 running in VMWare unable to connect to authenticate through ISA Server

I have a copy of Ubuntu 10.04 [Desktop] LTS running inside a virtual machine using VMWare workstation on a Win 7 host sitting behind an ISA Server on a corparte network. I am unable to connect to the outside world from this VM except through a web…
2 answers

renewed Thawte SSL Web certificate on ISA 2006 - This certificate cannot be verified up to a trusted certification authority

We have recently renewed a Thawte SSL Web Server Certificate. After installing on the Web Server (Windows Server 2003), the certificate works fine if I publish directly to the server through ISA 2006. However, we are required to use a Web Listener…
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What risks are associated with allowing anonymous access from the LAN to the internet?

I have a network of around 60 users who have access to the internet through ISA Server 2004 and a hardware firewall. As a matter of course I've always blocked anonymous requests to the outside world. We are installing a new piece of software that…
Marko Carter
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IIS cannot access itself

We are on a corporate network that uses ISA and I am having issues trying to not have requests go through ISA. I have IIS7 on my local Windows 7 machine that has websites and a service layer. The websites access the service layer using a…
1 answer

ISA Server Route Add Question

I have a situation where I have and ISA 2006 server (on Win2k3) that has an internal and an externaly facing NIC's. All works fine but I need to add a couple of routes for the following reason: Our monitoring software is on a different network. Our…
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How can I generate a 10-day report every day using ISA Server 2006?

We're using ISA Server 2006 (Version 5.0.5723.514) Our ISP imposes a 10GB usage limit per 10 day cycle. What I would like to do is generate a report automatically on a daily basis, showing our usage for the previous 10 days. It would also be nice…
Richard C
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ISA Server 2006 SSL Certificate Dilemma

I'm making so great headway in offering our services over https with help from a Go Daddy certificate, later to be upgraded to Thawte SSL123 certs. But, I've just run into one whopper of a problem. Here's my setup: I run an ISA 2006 firewall. Our…
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TortoiseSVN through a proxy

I'm trying to set up my Win7 work laptop so I can access my svn repos. My repository is set up on a Linux box at home and works fine from all of the my machines, including my work laptop when I'm not connected to the work network. The problem comes…
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