Questions tagged [isa-server]

155 questions
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Can i have a Asterisk IP PBX Server Behind ISA 2000

Is it a simple procedure to configure ISA Server 2000 to allow an Asterisk IPPBX connect to SIP provider. On asterisk forums they say the ISA has difficulties handling SIP, softphones that i have installed behind the firewall work fine with the…
2 answers

Changing Internet connection on ISA Server 2000

We are getting a new internet connection installed and will need to unplug the old one and connect this to our ISA Server 2000. Will this be a simple swap out job? We will be given a new ip, which i know i will have to enter into the external…
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RRAS vs ISA Server vs Forefront Threat Management Gateway

I was hoping someone could explain to me the differences between RRAS, ISA Server and Forefront Threat Management Gateway. As far as I can tell they all sort of do exactly the same thing? RRAS allows Routing and VPN on Windows Server 2008. ISA…
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Create multiple listener for same ip and port different by sitename

I have a windows server 2003r2 and ISA Server 2004 current i created 2 rule on ISA Server Port:80 redirecting to ServerOne where runing webapp1 Port:85 redirecting to ServerTwo where running webapp2 and i have 2 domains 1:- and 2:-…
Umair Anwaar
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DynDns with ISA

We are trying to use DynDNS with ISA 2000 but of course we have no idea what ports it rests on. We are not married to DynDns and our DSL modem does not support Dynamic DNS. Online there are books related to the pairing but no other such…
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IIS and ISA Server 2006 on the same machine

I've got quite a hairy problem. I need to create a site-to-site VPN between a dedicated server (which hosts several websites) and a network (from a client) in order to use their webservices (and no, they aren't willing to publicly publish their…
4 answers

Blocking of certain file downloads

I have a problem where I cannot completely download a certain file from a server. The file is 1.9MB in size but only 68% is downloaded and then it hangs. I tried and these cases, which failed: Downloaded the file with HTTP Downloaded the file with…
Philip Fourie
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ISA Server - how do I set the default domain for web surfers to log on?

A company recently upgraded from Internet Explorer 6 to 7. Previously, when users were logged in as an account which was not allowed to surf, the ISA Server web proxy would promt them for credentials if they tried, and they could specifiy an…
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How much NICs for NLB (ISA-Server) / Best Practice?

I'm not familiar with Windows servers (I'm some kind of networking guy) but have to setup an ISA server from the networking point of view. It will connect an internal LAN to a DMZ. There will be a cluster of two ISA servers using NLB. Obviously, the…
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ISA Server 2004 Hotmail Filter

At the moment we have a rule that limits SMTP traffic through TCP port 25. If I do a test email to a address the email doesn't arrive, nor are there any bouce-back errors. If I send from hotmail to our domain, then reply to that email,…
The Woo
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VPN Connection Issue

We have Windows ISA Server 2004. I have made some changes as we signed up to a 3rd party spam filter company. I had to block SMTP traffic to funnel through port 25 and now the VPN connection won't work. won't connect, but ping…
The Woo
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Exchange Certificate Issue

We recently signed up to a 3rd party hoster for filtering spam emails. It required blocking at the ISA firewall and only allowing port 25 in and outbound, also with setting relays to their subnetts for mail in exchange. After that our certificates…
The Woo
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Enabling cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA (0xa) on Windows Server 2003+ISA 2006

I have been given a task to disable all "weak" ciphers/protocols on our very old ISA server based on Windows Server 2003. I have disabled all protocols but TLS1.0, and all ciphers but RC2/128, RC4/128 and Triple DES 168/168. But Qualys SSL Labs test…
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Passing client certificates using ISA 2006 over SSL

We're running an ISA 2006 and IIS6. Both on Windows 2003 machines. We've published a Website under an SSL connection. Is it possible to let the ISA server pass down any client certificates to IIS (and the web application)? We need the client…
1 answer

ISA Server and Exchange - Port 25 Issues

What is a best practice method for minimising spam issues when spammers are getting through our ISA 2004 gateway and spamming from our exchange server? Is there a fantastic document that someone knows about for setting up exchange server 2003.
The Woo
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