Questions tagged [image]

200 questions
0 answers

Incremental image pulling in a scholl with windows

This is hard for me. I am a teacher at a school and I have to manage the PC room and mobile notebook classrooms. I use GNU/Linux privately, so I am basically a beginner in windows network administration. I need the following: I manually manage a…
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Docker from github repository

I wish to use a custom docker image that I'm describing from a Dockerfile. I've uploaded this Dockerfile to my own GitHub page and created a repository for it. I'm trying to upload and test laravel projects to an Atlassian BitBucket surface, where…
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Processing image files once and only once without missing any

I have a wordpress installation with a large number (millions) of images. I want to optimize those images using ImageMagick mogrify but I only want to process them once (processing them over and over again would result in image quality degradation).…
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WDS capture creates 2 .WIMs

When I capture an image, it successfully captures and deploys with out an issue. But the capture creates 2 entries on the server and 2 .wim files. One is always large(around 20-30 GB) and the other is very small(5-10 MB). They are named the same,…
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Initialize Disk - Will It Wipe my data?

I have four disks from a Buffalo Terrastation NAS which were setup in a RAID5 configuration. The terrastation apparently runs a linux based software RAID. Unfortunately one disk has failed entirely, and I have a second disk which is working…
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Image from a certain domain on my Nginx server loads fine in browser but 404's when I curl

Hey guys I've been struggling with this for the past day, and I'm in need of some assistance. So in essence I have two images stored on my main domain and subdomain with nginx. (SFW)…
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Restore SBS 2011 from RDX harddisk cartridge "The Parameter is Incorrect (0x80070057)"

Today i got a SBS 2011 with (malicous) encrypted files from a customer. That happens frequently. What was rare was the fact that he had a very recent backup (Windows Image Backup) on a Imation RDX Cartridge. So i tried to do a restore with the…
Martin Seitl
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How to prepare a new disk to restore a Windows 10 backup image?

My current system (Windows 10 Pro) is on a 256 GB SSD and I want to replace that with a 500 GB one. So I read about that and found some articles suggesting using the systems build-in tools to move my complete system from one disk to the other. So I…
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Azure Virtual Machine Images Tomcat SSL

Here's the run by, yes I have done research on all of what I am about to say. I simply wish to summarize it and hope someone with knowledge on this can let me know if something is wrong with my plan of action. I am going to purchase a wildcard ssl…
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Capture image on server side volume with WDS on Server 2012 R2 (VMware ESXi)

I have an ESXi virtual machine running Windows Server 2012 and WDS. The server VM has a secondary hard disk which is storing my boot and install image files. When I try to capture an image, it wants me to save it to a local drive on the reference…
1 answer

Migrate vagrant Ubuntu VM to physical machine

I am attempting to use vagrant and a puppet workflow to configure a Ubuntu production server VM which will host a web application. I want to be able to reuse this workflow to configure multiple identical VMs in the future. After the VM is…
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Windows PE: Powershell is not installed & error 0x80070002

Trying to run a task sequence. In the last step, I'm trying to run a powershell-script to install various IIS-features. At this step the task sequence terminates with an error (can't remember error code atm). In the smstslog it said that "Powershell…
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SCCM Client Image deployment options

At my organization, we are using SCCM to manage OS deployments. Right now, it's rather complicated to get an image out to a client and I'm looking for an easier way. Here is what we have to do right now to get this to work: We first have to gather…
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Weird image behavior between FF and IE

Anyone know why this link displays fine in FF but not in IE? One thing I notice in FF is that it first displays the path and then the image loads. I haven't fully investigated this yet, so I don't know if there's an HttpHandler registered for…
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peer to peer disk image transmission

Installing linux/windows through pxe works smoothly for me. But downloading images(especially windows) is a headache. Let alone the time, bandwith usage is horrible. And p2p tech comes to my mind. But I have no clue how it works or where to start.…
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