Questions tagged [p2p]

44 questions
5 answers

Are there any Distributed/mesh-like/P2P VPNs?

I have my personal VPN, connecting several devices so they can have fixed IP addresses on an always-reachable network (as long as they are connected to the Internet). This is necessary for me, since my devices can be on the move, on different and…
11 answers

SOHO - throttle bittorrent traffic from problem users

I manage the network in a small office (SW dev is my "real job"), and there are a couple of users who beat the hell out of our internet connection by running bittorrent. Between the almost crippling effect on the upload side (20Mbps) and the…
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Create a public Windows 10 P2P update cache?

I work for a PK-12 public school district in the USA, in a very rural area with a large number of low-income families, and where many rural families only have 0.5 to 1.5 megabit DSL. In some cases people have no other low-cost Internet access option…
Dale Mahalko
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1 answer

How to connect to P2P clients behind a router?

Apologies if this question has been asked before, but I don't think any of the ones I've found are asking quite the same thing. I'm designing a simple P2P protocol whereby a known server provides clients with each others' addresses, and they then…
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Fiber Channel Loop vs Point to Point

So, I'm playing with a couple of QLogic QLA2340s connected directly together. I've got options here to either have them act as a loop, or in point to point mode. What's the difference if I'm only going to have two machines connected together? Is…
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2 answers

Multicast IP Addresses

I posted this on StackOverflow and was told it might be more appropriate here. I'm having trouble understanding how multicast addresses work. First off, is it true that if I have N clients or peers working on separate networks, they all subscribe to…
Josh G
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3 answers

Peer to peer communication in complicated multi-subnets LAN

We are developing a P2P application and stucked at the part of making communication between 2 peers which are in same local LAN but 2 different subnets. We know that there are a lot of cases that 2 certain PCs in same LAN are definitely…
5 answers

VOIP and IM communication without a server

Typical enterprise VOIP solutions like MS Comm Server require a server computer to handle communications. Is there any program that can do it Peer-2-Peer (P2P) without a server, and directly call and chat with the target computer, directly on the…
Robin Rodricks
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2 answers

Blocking HTTPS and P2P Traffic

I have a Debian server running at the gateway level on a LAN. This runs squid for creating block lists of websites - for eg. blocking social networking on the LAN. Also uses iptables. I am able to do a lot of things with squid & iptables, but a few…
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1 answer

How does Opera Unite setup a web server without port forwarding?

Opera Unite installs a web server on the user's computer and allows it to be accessible with end-to-end connectivity to the client - without port forwarding in the case of those behind routers. From what I have looked around, it does it by the NAT…
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2 answers

Ports that are always open? How does softwares like bittorrent manage to communicate even without port forwarding?

How come bittorrent clients manage to communicate to servers and other peers even if the user has not configured port forwarding on their routers? Of course the speed will be reduced compared to when port forwarding is done, but still they manage…
0 answers

Using AlwasyOn Failover Cluster Instance in conjunction of Peer to Peer Transactional Replicaiton

We are deploying two physical sites each with writable/readable access to its local SQL server. Each site has site redundancy and also cross site synchronization is required. My thought is to use the AlwaysOn Failover Cluster instance to achieve…
0 answers

Interface combinations implementation without firmware update wireless linux networking

I am working with the Qualcomm WiGig (60GHz) chipsets supported by the Linux networking wil6210 driver. I use Linux kernel 4.12. In my use case, I would like to use concurrent usage of the WiGig interface. That means one interface is…
9 answers

Block p2p downloading in my office?

Well, I'm not sure how ethical this is, but I already posted this question to superuser and a poster suggested I move it over here. Very sorry if I'm breaking anybody's heart. Anyway, here's the question: I work in an education office in a third…
1 answer

Probable network issue despite healthy ping stat?

We faced a problem with a windows network where we suspect it to be a network issue although the ping works fine. System Overview: The Windows network is accessed from multiple sites connected through a 2MBps P2P leased line. Issue Details: The…
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