Questions tagged [image]

200 questions
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How to publish an LXC image to a private server

I have set up a development environment in a container that I want to share with co-workers. I set up a server and configured it with lxc remote add the_server_name --public, being that the server name and IP. What is the correct on my…
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ssh key with image fingerprint

SSH key fingerprint is shown by running this command: ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ and the fingerprint is some strange code. Is there a way to turn this code into an image hash or something like Gravatar?
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What is the best way for store images of website?

We are using cassandra database for store website information, but we are not sure how to save images. We can store them in cassandra, but we can also allocate a server for storing images. Cassandra has good performance for big-data storage but if…
Omid Ebrahimi
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System Image Recipes?

I've got a low number of EC2 instances managed, but an even lower time-budget to spend keeping them updated and being able to roll out new instances for tests and application upgrades. I need to be able to easily automate the AMI building, so that…
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Hardware advice for bitmap / openGL image processing server?

I am trying to work out a build for a processing server to handle bitmap processing as well as openGL rendering for chroma-keying images and Photoshop automation. My searches here and on Google have turned up surprisingly few results, and seeing…
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Should you defrag before capturing an image?

If I'm capturing an image with imagex.exe /capture ..., does it matter if I defrag the hard disk prior to doing so (or strictly speaking, before sysprep)? Is there any benefit to doing so with a file-based imager like this? Would there be any…
Tim Lehner
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6 answers

Deploy OS from Locally Stored WIM

I have a OS Deployment task sequence that is advertised to clients. During the Apply Operating System step in the sequence a WIM image file is downloaded from winPE then applied. Is it possible to have this image retrieved locally, such as from…
James Santiago
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Xen: Convert image to lvm with minimal downtime

My Goals: Convert all my DomUs from image-based to lvm-based Minimal downtime Minimal performance impact on other DomUs/Dom0 My plan / setup: All my images are in a big lvm-volume, all lvs for the new setup are created with the filesystem…
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5 answers

Creating a 80GB image with dd on a FAT32 drive

I have a question concerning the creation of an drive image with dd. Normally i would simply type: "dd if=/dev/foo of=/dev/bar". But in this case i only have a fat32 formatted drive at hand, which should be used for the output. Fat32 only allows…
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4 answers

Make a Linux image "unique" after installing it on a new computer

I know about SysPrep for Windows, which should be used after installing a Windows image on a computer to make that computer unique on the network. Are there any similar steps I should take if I'm using Linux? I have a lot of computers to install it…
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automatic script execution in WinPE

I'm trying to instruct my image of WinPE to directly execute a script when it finishes loading. How can I do that? Do I have to modify Winpeshl.ini or Startnet.cmd or Unattend.xml? I have tried all of them with no result, so any help is appreciated.…
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Error creating a Linux image/VM for upload to Azure due to incorrect correct size

I saw a similar thread on this, but doing the exact steps in that thread, does not work for me. I want to upload a Linux image (which is qcow2) after converting to VHD image, to Azure. I converted the qcow2 image to raw: qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O…
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Import PNG to SQL Server (without disk access)

How can I import a PNG to an SQL Server database installed in a machine where I'm not granted access (except to the DB instance)? I cannot do the following because I cannot access the disk: INSERT INTO [dbo].[WorkItemState] (ImageBits) SELECT …
Luis Gouveia
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How to clone image and data for VM on Azure?

I'm trying to find a way to clone the image of one VM on Azure. I knew some information about 'sysprep' and Linux system, but those require delete the previous VM. In my case, I don't want to delete the previous VM because I want to keep it working…
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Can I copy a Boot Camp partition (on an external drive) into a VMWare image?

I have an old hard drive that used to be in my MacBook Pro that has a Boot Camp partition. When I upgraded the hard drive in my MBP, I didn't copy over the Boot Camp partition. Now I want to use the old hard drive for something else, but don't want…
Ken Liu
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