Questions tagged [pool]

51 questions
3 answers

Override php-fpm pool config values with another file

Having to customize the php-fpm pool configuration of a new server, I wonder if it is possible / allowed / recommended to have a new pool file, which name goes alphabetically after the original one, which only has values that override the initial…
Déjà vu
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1 answer

Requests are never queued after pm.max_children with Nginx and PHP-FPM

As soon as a pool reached pm.max_children, Nginx starts timing out when trying to send new requests to PHP-FPM. "max listen queue" is always 0 in the php-status page. PHP-FPM 5.5.16 Nginx 1.6.1 Here is the example for a php-fpm…
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4 answers

Is it possible to set up PHP-FPM with different pool-options (xdebug enabled / xdebug disabled)

I've a LEMP environment and need the option to separate all development subdomains from staging (development with xdebug staging without). dev.projectX.mydomain.tld staging.projectX.mydomain.tld Therefore I set up two pools php-dev and php-stage,…
5 answers

Which version of ZFS allows shrinking of a pool?

I found a list of versions and their Solaris release numbers I know that you can grow a pool by replacing drives with larger ones or adding new drives or mirrors to the…
700 Software
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2 answers

Run a pool of processes in shell

I'm looking for an easy method to run N selected processes at the same time with one command. It should put all the output on my terminal and shut down all of them when I exit with ctrl+c. Is there any existing app that does this? I'm thinking of…
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5 answers

ZFS pool config - advice required

We have 20 2TB SATA drives to be used in a ZFS pool. I am after some advice on the best way to achieve good I/O performance, whilst being able to offer some redundancy (3 disk failures before data loss is what we are looking to achieve). I am bit…
1 answer

Replaced a dead disk in a ZFS pool. After resilvering finished, the status look weird :/

I replaced a dead disk in a ZFS pool (on FreeNAS-11.1-U6.3) following the hints I found at Need to replace disk in zpool ... confused ... # zpool replace raid2 gptid/f00-whatever-id-that-was-f46d049aaeca /dev/ada0 and after resilvering for 20…
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1 answer

Storage Spaces mounting\dismounting

Good day! I have several USB HDDs in a simple Storage Space pool. The pool is used for backup. Is it possible to mounting\dismounting the pool as needed and assign a letter to it in the system? Maybe there are suitable PowerShell cmdlets for this?
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1 answer

Stuck with Cisco DHCP pool issue

Yes, I have searched, googled, sworn, googled more but have not quite found the answer I need, .. I have also posted this on a Cisco forum but, as I discovered at stackoverflow, the Stack* forums generally tend to give clear , easy to understand…
1 answer

FreeRADIUS w/ MySQL backend. IP Pool

I have a pool of addresses ( configured on my NAS (Cisco 2921 router) for my IPsec clients. I have various subnet mask length subnetworks used for different user groups. For example I have for one department,…
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1 answer

One unix socket for all php-fpm pools

I want to set only one listening unix socket for all php-fpm pools, but fpm requires them to be different. Production server has 2GB ram and I noticed that it is running out of RAM, adding more websites spawn more fpm processes. I am the only user…
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0 answers

Trying to get the "pool seems busy" errors to stop with php-fpm

I have a machine that is running with 3 cores and 7GB of RAM. On this machine we are running Nginx 1.4.2 and PHP-FPM. Each PHP-FPM process uses ~30MB of RAM. So this is the pool configuration I have setup: [www] listen =…
Andrew Ellis
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1 answer

Mysql crashing due to InnoDB not able to allocate memory

MySQL crashes every now and then due to, I believe, a large request hitting it above the innodb-buffer-pool-size set in my.cnf (currently at 210M), which I needed to set for mysql to start in the first place. Here are the error logs: 130518…
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1 answer

Websphere 7.0 Work Manager Max Threads Ignored?

I'm trying to chase down a bug in an internal application and as part of this work I noticed an apparent discrepancy between the "Maximum number of threads" setting in WAS (BASE r0835.03) and a thread dump that I took while the server was…
1 answer

ZFS pool continually DEGRADED or FAULTED

I've got a pool in raidz1-0 with 5 drives in it. I'm not sure exactly when, but all of the sudden all the drives went from always being ONLINE with no read, write or checksum errors to randomly spitting out all sort of issues. NAME …
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