Anyone know why this link displays fine in FF but not in IE? One thing I notice in FF is that it first displays the path and then the image loads. I haven't fully investigated this yet, so I don't know if there's an HttpHandler registered for images which is causing issues. But I wanted to check here first if anyone knew something right away.

This is an off-the-shelf storefront, "BV Commerce Software".


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2 Answers2


FF displays the image path because the image is quite large and takes a time to load.

It apparently contains a lot of metadata; if I open the JPEG in Gimp and resave as JPEG, the 576 kBof the original shrink to 10 kB. Strip out the additional data, and you should be fine.

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I guess this is because the image is encoded in the CMYK colorspace. Just open it in a graphic editor and save as RGB.

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