Questions tagged [http-status-code-404]

404 is the HTTP status code for "Not Found"

A web server will return a status code of 404 when the resource that is being requested does not exist or cannot be found.

385 questions
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Configuring 404 pages in nginx within website root?

I have a static site which is written in VueJS. I'm hosting it on a PHP environment in AWS Elastic beanstalk which appears to be using nginx. In this site, I'm using the Vue router which handles all URLs and for that to work properly, I need the…
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Server error happens in web browsers content not load after refresh

Please help me when i do refresh my web browser donot attempt to load new content and when i press ctrl + f5 it loads fresh content but after doing it 3 to 4 times. Basically it is very disturbing i am a web developer i have to do work on the…
0 answers

NGINX Web server shows index.php but no other subcontents like admin panel

My website loads fine its index.php website I enter user name and password, and gets redirected to url: Nginx will fail showing this: 404 Not Found nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu) This is my…
2 answers

GCP External HTTPs Load Balancer - 404 - 503 - SSL Exception (Remote host terminated connection, read handshake, socket closed & upstream connect)

We're load testing a MIG (with 2 instances) hosted behind the HTTPs load balancer using JMeter. Observation 1: We randomly receive 404 error and 503 error, for 404 we see an entry get created within load balancer monitoring NO_BACKEND_SELECTED…
0 answers

Not found 404 with apache and bootstack

the last two day I was trying to run bookstack with an apache webserver, which is hosted localy on my system. I'am not familiar with apache and bookstack. So this was my first try to host a local webserver und install bookstack on it. The Apache…
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IIS (10.0.17763.1) New Site Fails with 404 Errors

I am hoping that someone may have the answer to this. I created a new site on IIS (full disclosure, I created the first one incorrectly and removed it, if that matters). My IIS server has several hosted sites, all working fine, apart from the new…
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Is there a technical requirement to serve 404 responses?

Is there a technical requirement (e.g., RFC) to serve a 404 response? Or does some other problem emerge if requests not found are dropped or replies empty?
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Apache Filesmatch regex issue

I'm trying to block all files that contains the keyword cpf and I've entered this into the apache2 configuration: Require all denied and this blocked a file called name.cpf, but not name.cpfs and…
1 answer

Cannot access my website

everyone! I'm linux-enthusiast and I have an issue with an nginx on debian VPS. Until recently I could access my static website but now I can't. This is my sites-available/example where example is my username: server { listen 80 ; …
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Apache log says "404" but my ErrorDocument is ignored and browser says "The requested URL ... has moved"

I'm trying to setup some customer error pages on our Apache servers, which seemed straightforward. The 503 is working right, but the 404 is not. They're setup the same: ErrorDocument 503 /errorCustom.html …
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Erreur IIS 10.0 HTTP 404.0 - Not Found Hello I try to connect to the localhost of the phpadmin and its always giving me the same answer I put the photo on it, I do not see where its could come from preventing me from moving forward in my project I…
0 answers

Test for no 404 error before enabling RedirectMatch?

I have a RedirectMatch to a remote server in my Apache httpd.conf file. However, sometimes the remote server gives a 404 HTTP response. Is there a way for the Apache server to ping the remote server first and, if it doesn't give a 404 response, only…
0 answers

Nginx revere proxy Websocket error 404

i'm working with two Nginx one behind the each other. Our Infraestructure it's like this infraestructure Problem I've problems with websocket connections, when i send the request to Nginx Proxy pass always return 404 but when i send the request to…
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Throwing 404 errors AWS

What might be the possible reason why the 502s were being returned here? The 403s also look like WAF is firing them. Could anyone please suggest a way to allow those resources to be safely given to clients? Below is a list of the errors: Non 200…
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Raspberry pi running nginx responds 200 for localhost, 404 when accessed through hostname

I have set up a vanilla installation of nginx on a raspberry pi. server configuration: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; root /home/pi/www; index index.html index.htm; server_name _; location / { # return 418 on…
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