I am hoping that someone may have the answer to this. I created a new site on IIS (full disclosure, I created the first one incorrectly and removed it, if that matters).

My IIS server has several hosted sites, all working fine, apart from the new one.

I am to start with trying to access a static file index.html

  • The application pool is set as default, the same as the other sites.
  • The Path credentials are set as an admin account; I get the two green ticks.
  • I have even tried setting this website to one of the other website paths to test the file access and get the same 404 error! Weird.
  • I have checked that the file I am accessing has the correct extension. There is nothing in the log file being generated for this site. Tried a custom path for a log and still nothing.
  • With just the root address http://www.example.com/ I get the IIS default welcome page.
  • I tried renaming the default websites bindings to the new site name to try and use that directory. Same result, 404.
  • Sites restarted. Server restarted.

I am totally at a loss and have googled silly.... any help greatly appreciated. Its a very odd error and I still wonder if its remembered something about the original site i created and deleted.

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    Find out the http sub-status in the http logs of the site, it is the number to the right of the `404`. Then look up the meaning of the sub-status. – Peter Hahndorf Jan 26 '22 at 15:15
  • Thank you. I found it, it was actually a DNS error and a missing binding diverting to a default site. – Charlie Feb 08 '22 at 12:39
  • If you found the answer, you should post and accept it below or simply delete the question. – Lex Li Apr 24 '22 at 04:17
  • Hi, Sorry been meaning to come and update with the answer for a while. It was ultimately a silly mistake, but one that might help someone else. There was a DNS error but ultimately this resulted in IIS serving the default website, rather than one of the named sites. I would recommend putting a specific, single holding page on your default site, so if you get traffic to the default site, you can identify it rather than getting a 404. – Charlie Jun 16 '22 at 21:48

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