Questions tagged [hp-ux]

HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard UniX) is Hewlett-Packard's proprietary implementation of the Unix operating system, based on UNIX System V (initially System III) and first released in 1984.

78 questions
1 answer

WSAECONNREFUSED SAP Gui unable to connect on SAP server on hp ux - inetd.conf file reference

I have a sap server installed on HP-UX vm, up and running. when I try to connect to the server from SAP client GUI installed on windows machine I get the following error --------------------------- SAP GUI for Windows…
Himanshu Sourav
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HP-UX: Python error on os.uname() function

Has anyone ever seen the Python os.uname() function fail on HP-UX? > python -c "import os; print os.uname()" Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in OSError: [Errno 72] Value too large to be stored in data…
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How can I plan a DR solution for an SAP Instance running on HP-UX

I'm supporting an environment that runs SAP on HP-UX. The HP Blade running the SAP Instance is connected to IBM Storage over FC connection. SAN Infrastructure is duplicated by redundant primary-secondary SAN switch and also primary secondary SAN…
Prayag Pal
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RDP forwarding on HP/UX machine

I have a setup that consists of a HPUX machine that acts as a router and has a set of windows machines sitting behind it. I have given the HPUX box 3 external IP address on our main network so we can connect to those IP via RDP and then forward the…
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GNU screen cannot find terminfo entry on HP-UX

I am trying to make screen work on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64 0308561483 unlimited-user license. Please notice I do not have root access. I have already compiled screen successfully, configured with LIBS=-lcurses. When I try to start screen it…
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2 answers

HP-UX terminal is disabled

One of my team mate created an ID on an old HP-UX server and upon multiple fail login, he got his ID locked and the terminal locked as well. Now, when I login, it says Terminal is disabled -- see Account Administrator. How do I go about unlocking…
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Problems mounting HPUX LVM+VXFS filesystem on Linux

I have a physical disk from a HPUX system that I need to access from a Debian Linux for ia64 system. From the hpux-lvm-tools project I have the tools to access the HPUX LVMs (Linux LVM has a different format) and I also have the freevxfs driver. I…
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HP UX server , make_recovery vs make_tape_recovery

I have to do a backup on different HP servers with different operation systems (hpux 10.20, hpux 11.00 and hpux 11.11). I found information about make_recovery and make_tape_recovery, but I don't know the difference between the two commands. What is…
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2 answers

Script SCP without certificates or expect

I need to script SCP and I need to be able to do this by passing in the password in plain text. I am absolutely aware of the horrible design pattern that I am asking for. I cannot use certificates for this application. My challenge is that the box…
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HP Server attention light is blinking?

We have an older HP Server RP2470 running HP UX. I've been assigned to perform some hard drive clean up and OS Maintenance on the server before we move it into production. Everything is going just fine with the OS, so far I haven't noticed anything…
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2 answers

How to check hard drives info on HP-UX?

I am new to UNIX systems and so far i know only basic shell commands. Can someone tell me how to check the available hard drives on my server and get an info on them? I am also searching for a command to check their firmware version as well?
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Listing the available installation of depothelper (HP-UX)

I'm using depothelper to install software in HP-UX. So far, I was only able to search for packages using common sense and intuition. I would like to know if there's a way to tell which packages are available for installation (like yum list or…
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1 answer

Xnest from Mac OSX to HP-UX

I'm trying to connect to my HP-UX machine from Mac OS X using Xnest. The problem is that I can not get the keyboard to work. I can see the login-prompt, but unable to type in my username. The connection is done by: Xnest :1 -query…
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0 answers

How do I find out number of mlocked pages on HP-UX?

Is there a way to find amount how much memory is mlocked on HP-UX? Either on process-specific or system-wide basis?
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3 answers

Vitualization in HP-UX

I have a powerful server with hp-ux. I received a request to install new software (that only runs under windows server). I have no available windows servers at this moments, but I have lots of resources available in the HP-UX server. My question…
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