Questions tagged [hp-ux]

HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard UniX) is Hewlett-Packard's proprietary implementation of the Unix operating system, based on UNIX System V (initially System III) and first released in 1984.

78 questions
1 answer

How to find out MIBs supported on HP-UX system?

I have the following system, and when I did a snmpwalk, I got an error message that prevents me from "walking" the entire tree. Is there a way to find out the MIBs supported by the SNMP Agent? (like SysORTable) Name/OID: sysDescr.0; Value…
1 answer

Assigning a static IP on HP-UX

I can't find how to set a static IP on the local network ( on HP-UX using the command line. I want the address to be kept after the server reboots, so it seems the use of ifconfig will lose the IP configured.
Serty Oan
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Renting server usage - Solaris (SPARC), AIX and HP-UX (PA-RISC)

We do some builds using AIX, Solaris and HP-UX that take about 4 hours per month and we are wondering if there is a service out there that would allow us to do this by renting the usage instead of having to have actual servers in house. We need AIX,…
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3 answers

Identify PID of a transient network connection on HP-UX 11.23

We've tried lsof and tcpdump to capture the PID of a process that is attempting to make connections. Any ideas?
1 answer

getting "broken pipe" at about 1.2 MB files (from HP-UX to macOS) ... how fix?

I'm getting "broken pipe" while trying to scp files larger than about 1.5 MB from a remote HP-UX system to my local Mac. Any suggestions, please? Small files work ok, up to about 1.1 MB or so. I'm connected via an OpenVPN connection. I just noticed…
Stan Sieler
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Apache filling up with connections in state "Reading Request"

I have a problem with an apache who's stalling with too much requests. When I take a look at the server-status page I can see that most of the connections are in state "Reading Request", but do not finish. When I do a graceful restart, all of the…
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setmemwindow in hpux giving not enough space error

I m trying to run three different services in my hpux 11.31 servr which loads different shared objects, for that i have enabled "setmemwindow" and set the max_mem_window as "3", but i m able to start services only in two different windows . if my…
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How to install git-lfs on hp-ux

I was able to install git using swinstall & depot file, and after installing all dependencies it works. I cannot find any depot file for git-lfs extension: Is there any easy way to install git-lfs on HP-UX?
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Backup throughput suddenly went down from 1TB per hour to 350GB per hour

Problem: Backup throughput suddenly went down from 1TB+ per hour to 350GB per hour in HPUX server for DB2 database. Backup using Commvault backup software to the media agent via 10G network. Troubleshoot done: Database. I have tried to do native…
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3 answers

What is the best way to give root access to an account without using sudo?

I have an HP-UX server where I need to create a special user account for an application to interact with, and this account must have full root privileges. Sudo is not an option in this. The only thing I can think of is to assign the account UID 0.…
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Unable to change the password for normal user : getting message "Sorry"

I'm trying to change the password for one of the user names called "test1". When I tried it didn't asked me to update the new password it just errored saying "Sorry". $ passwd Changing password for test1 Old password: Sorry.
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HPUX- "Telnet TERMINAL-SPEED option ON" stopping the termination of telnet

I need a script to check if the telnet is available on the server. I have a similar script for Linux but it is not working in HPUX. Linux script, telnet `"hostname"` < "dummy.txt" 2>&1 > telnet.txt ### passsing a dummy file ## grep Escape telnet.txt…
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(HP-UX) Why didn't my cron jobs work?

I wonder why my cron job didn't work. Our team consider that the cron job didn't work because we didn't properly update the crontab file. Following is the process what we did: Backup the current cron jobs. cd /var/spool/spool/cron/crontabs cp -p…
1 answer

Nxlog pipe scheduled command output

I'm trying to read the output of the last command in Nxlog. I would like to run last on the utmp file on regular intervals. In other words I want to schedule a shell command to run with a time interval and pipe the output as a log event. In yet…
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Moving Mac files to a share on Windows Server

I have an old Mac-server that our marketing department uses as a File-server for several Mac Clients. I want to get rid of it for several reasons: Our primary backup system does not support the Mac Server Our AV solution does not support Macs No…
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