Questions tagged [hp-ux]

HP-UX (Hewlett-Packard UniX) is Hewlett-Packard's proprietary implementation of the Unix operating system, based on UNIX System V (initially System III) and first released in 1984.

78 questions
0 answers

Recover lost volume group in hp ux 11 v2

The disk containing operating system (vg00) has failed. I tried to install the operating system on a new disk and I want to restore other volume group (vg01 and vg02) on two disks that contain data.
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2 answers

Permissions for Windows Server 2008 R2 NFS Share Files

I have configured and am using a NFS share on a Windows 2008 server. I am copying files from a Unix server using anonymous access. What I cannot figure out is how to get the file permissions working on the Windows side. I cannot rename or copy the…
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What are the IWWW and OWWW users for on HP UNIX?

What are the IWWW and OWWW users for on HP UNIX? They are present on the machine but I don't really know what they are used for?
Lucas Kauffman
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3 answers

IPMI sensor data retrieve from HP Superdome (sx2000) with IPMI tool

i'm trying to extract data sensor from a HP Superdome (sx2000) using the protocol IPMI over LAN. I enabled the IPMI protocol and i setup the password for IPMI protocol on the Superdome. I'm using ipmiutil tool as IPMI client,the client is connected…
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Need help for a Unix startup script

I am very weak on unix shell scripting. Is there a way to create Unix shell script which will start on server boot time only, and will execute the following commands in order: # cd /mysql # ./bin/safe_mysqld --user=root & #…
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Mysql | Change the location of the databases folder

I have a HP-UX server with two instances of Mysql. The first one was the original and was located in /mysql, and keeps its database files in /mysql/data/ The second one I have installed by mistake and is located in /usr/local/mysql, and it keeps…
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Executing a Telnet command in an ssh command

I want have a Telnet command inside the ssh command for executing the Telnet command at the remote machine ( I tried with the command ssh Administrator@ telnet 8088 It is giving an error message…
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1 answer

HP-UX backup and restore

I recently purchased an old ZX6000 workstation to use as a test machine for a software package we have developed. Normally, when testing a software package, we use VMWare to create a clean install of the OS, and then create a snapshot of that…
1 answer

HP RX6600 - Possible Processor carrier board failure

So there is an HP Integrity RX6600 server, which simply cannot be turned on. When user power-on the chassis, It'll be hanged at POST process and cannot reach EFI and booting OS. After reviewing logs (MP logs) that I'll share here, our first guess…
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1 answer

I need to duplicate software packages installed on one HP-UX system to a test system

I am very inexperienced with HP-UX and need to duplicate a production server for a test environment. I have 11.11 on the prod server and have completed the base install on the test server. What I need is a way to add the installed packages from…
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3 answers

Install from Network in HP UX

I wonder if its possible to install a HP UX server from network, but using a "installation server (or depot)" that is not a HP UX machine.
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HP-Unix: C-shell:Disk space checking

I have 10 devices that using hp-ux and i want to check the disk space in each devices. my requirement is if the space more than 90%, the info of device ans space will be save to a log. this is list of device and ip address which i set as variable…
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How to add space to /usr mount point in HP-UX without a restart (no Online JS)

I have an HP UX server that has a mount point /usr that reached 100% when you use bdf command. How can I add space (tried removing files, not an option) from either a new disk or existing diskspace from other mount points: Without restarting that…
Gift Rise
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0 answers

Two allowed paths in rsync command in authorized_keys

I have a question about rsync restriction in authorized_keys command. I need to copy files via rsync from one server to another without prompting password. There is no problem, but I need to specify two allowed paths in rsync command in…
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1 answer

Archiving large number of files with TAR

Trying to clean up a directory on an HP/UX system that has a stupid number of files. I've already tried: Create an archive of all files older than "x" days. (This method, using the find command, even when selecting only 5 days worth of files, ran…