Questions tagged [usermod]

25 questions
6 answers

Default groups assigned to the first user in Ubuntu Server 8.04?

I just made a silly mistake on my Ubuntu Server box: I added myself to a group using usermod -G, after which I discovered the -a option... The result is that I am now out of the admin group, and lost my sudo rights. I can sort that out, but I want…
Wayne Koorts
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Add a Home directory for already created user when no direct root login available

I have a user account provided by client with unrestricted sudo access, but this user has no home directory. I want to create one, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I tried logging in as my normal user and sudo suing into root, then running …
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is it safe to group a user under "nobody" group

I have created a group called "devs". All our coders are grouped under "devs" so that they can access our websites which are all under public_html folder. I changed the group of public_hml to "devs", however, the server seem to override this, now…
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Add www-data to group

I have a directory with the following details: drwxrwxr-x 6 root devs 4.0K Sep 9 14:57 project_dev Now I want www-data (Apache daemon) to have an access to this directory, so in my mind I am planning to add www-data to group devs. However I fear…
Leandro Garcia
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Apache 2.4.6 (User mod 403)

Hello (Sorry for my bad english) I have a big problem on my server (Debian) I have do the upgrade and for all my clients ( I have an error 403 : In /etc/log/apache2/error.log [Mon Dec 23 13:56:08.295684 2013] [authz_core:error] [pid…
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How to add LDAP user to existing group?

I'm attempting to add some of our LDAP users to a locally defined group on our RHEL server, however I get an error stating that the LDAP user is not found in /etc/passwd. What would be the best way to allow LDAP users to be added to local groups? My…
Highway of Life
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1 answer

Change default home dir of user

I want to change the default home directory of a user from this: User: john Default home: /home/john To this: User: john Home: /var/www/project/new-home How could i do that? What i've tried so far is use usermod: usermod -m -d…
Jonathan Solorzano
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1 answer

Join existing linux user to AD domain

I succesfully join fedora and ubuntu thanks to realmd package. After I join the machine I can also log with a domain user with no problem. What I'd like to do now is to move and existing local user to a domain one. I found usermod useful to change a…
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1 answer

Exim4 panic log: "Failed to get user name for uid 1001"

I have a router which delivers mail to certain domains into a MailDir for the domain, and uses a domain:user map to give file ownership to the right user. The problem is that since updating the uid of the users (needed to bring in sync with other…
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1 answer

recovering from a plaintext password in usermod -p

My small office's server was under attack yesterday and today and apparently the hacker gained access through a weak password (i.e. I am to blame entirely). The moment I noticed this, I fysically disconnected the server from the internet and changed…
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why apache still write files it did have permissions to after I exclude it from the group that has permission when it was running

On the server, I have a file called upload and its state was as follows: drwx--x--- 12 bob bob 4096 JUL 20 19:07 upload I use this file to be the destination file of the PHP function move_uploaded_file's second argument to store the uploaded…
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Can't change user's details with `usermod`, it claims they are still logged in

I can't change a user's home directory using usermod; [root@server ~]# usermod -d /some/opther/path userfoo usermod: user userfoo is currently logged in [root@server ~]$ who myuser pts/0 2013-06-17 11:29 ( As you can see, I am the…
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2 answers

Changed shell and can't ssh login to root account

I used the command usermod -s /bin/fish root to change the root user's shell and now I can't login to my root account. Why is this happening? I am trying to SSH into a server running Ubuntu through Putty on Windows. Getting a permission denied…
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1 answer

Root password change using usermod

I'm trying to implement an automated root password change for our Linux boxes. I'm generating a hash in the script since users will be able to see the contents of the script. I found that you can pass a hash with the usermod utility. However,…
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User wants PHP to be able to write files in his directory

The user wants to let PHP write files in his /home/ directory, he is advising me to do usermod -a -G www-data username where username is his username. I wasn't sure if this was a security issue or not. What is the best way approaching this?
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