Questions tagged [home-directory]

A home directory (or "home folder" on Windows and Mac OSes) is a file system directory on a multi-user operating system containing files for a given user of the system.

147 questions
2 answers

How do I set up home folders for users automatically without roaming profiles?

I have a Windows Server 2012 VM running as my domain controller, and another Server 2012 VM instance that is my file server. On my NAS, I used to be able to create a user, and the NAS would automatically make a home folder for them along with the…
3 answers

Unable to create Home Directory for LDAP Login

I have linked my server with LDAP for ssh login. I get the Following error while logging in using ssh. Could not chdir to home directory /home/ldap/sharukhk: No such file or directory shahrukh@shahrukh:~/deploy$ ssh…
Shahrukh Khan
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Cannot find home directory on Linux Server

I have recently been granted access to a Linux server where I transferred some data. Now, for some reason, when I use WinSCP or any other program to connect to the server, instead of logging in directly into my home directory (where I have my files…
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3 answers

How do I change www-data home directory from /var/www to /home/www-data?

I'm setting up a private Ubuntu web server. In my company I'm used to a deployment where the home folder of www-data is in /home/www-data, but on my plain Ubuntu installation it is in /var/www. Now how can I change this? With usermod -d? And is this…
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2 answers

Using Powershell to bulk change the Home folder path of AD objects - %username"?

I have done a lot of searching on this, and still cannot find the answer. I have created a script which will bulk move all user objects in one OU to another OU. This works fine. Now I am trying to bulk change those users' Home Folder paths (and…
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1 answer

How exactly does the home folder mapping in 2003 AD work?

I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with a user's My Documents not being mapped to a network location as it should be. Most of the user have their AD account set to have H as their home folder and it's mapped to a network location. This works fine…
2 answers

Giving UNIX system services access to restricted user home directories

I need to restrict the permissions of user directories in /home so that, for some accounts, other users can not read files or cd in to them. But I still need to give system services access to them. The approach I have been using until now is to…
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How can I get DSADD to assign home folder of newly created user account?

I use the following command to create 15 user accounts: FOR /L %i in (1,1,15) DO dsadd user "cn=Grade 6 Student %i,ou=Accounts Student,OU=School Name, dc=curric,dc=schoolname,dc=wan" -samid g6%i -upn g6%i@curric.schoolname.wan -fn "Grade 6" -ln…
2 answers

Server 2012 - Home Folder Share Permissions

I'm trying (without success) to get help with setting up User Home Folder\Directory permissions on server 2012. What I would like to know is what permission do I need so that each user can access his/her files etc but CANNOT view\access other users…
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Script to reset home directory permissons on a windows share

Has anyone used a script to reset the permissions on a directory of Home Directories? I'm thinking some combination of FOR loops and CACLS to add an inheritable Modify permission to a folder using the same domain username as the folder name. …
Kevin Kuphal
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How to deny folder redirection for RDP to server

We have a few users running Windows 7 Enterprise. Group Policy does folder redirection for the Desktop and Docs. Users also have to log into a remote server frequently and do not want home folder redirected on that machine. They are not using…
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How to set a specific directory location for individual MySQL database?

Is it possible to set each database in MySQL to use a separate datadir? I'm running a userdir development (sandbox) server and would like to put the MySQL data files for the database(s) for that user in their /home//mysql directory. How would…
Highway of Life
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1 answer

Cannot read/write FTP directory vsftpd on centos 6.0 (empty folder)

I have Centos 6.0 and installed vsftp with YUM, I added a user with Webmin panel, set its home dir to "/var/www/html" and its shell to "/bin/sh", user id is 500, user group is same as name: "adrian_ftp". When I start a ftp program it logs in but the…
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1 answer

.htaccess Allow owner of home directory only?

Suppose I have a home directory "~someuser/www" which Apache (maintained by someone else than me) exposes as . If I want to limit this directory to certain users, I can create a .htaccess file in the www folder…
3 answers

CentOS 6: No separate /home partition

I do not want /home in a separate partition for a new CentOS 6 install. However, there no longer appears to be a "Review and Modify Partition Layout" in the text installer. How can I do this? EDIT: I'm doing a netinstall, if that makes any…
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