I've been looking into Heroku as a hosting provider. I'm specifically interested in its ease of deployment and ability to scale up and scale down resources as needed.

Is there a hosting solution with this type of ease and power that works with Django?

Chris Dutrow
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6 Answers6


Djangy.com have shut down, but they have recommendations for python/django hosting services:

I haven't tried any of them, but they all seem pretty proactive!

[edit] I have to add the people who pay my salary too!

Super-awesome, obviously :-)


And, since september '11, there's Heroku themselves!


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The only thing I can find is Djangy.com, but it is currently in private beta. It seems to be the equivalent of Heroku for Django. As soon as it is out, I will be one of the first on it.

Dan Appleyard
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Starting today, Heroku provides official support (public beta) for Python and Django!
Check out this blog post http://blog.heroku.com/archives/2011/9/28/python_and_django/ and this guide http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/django

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You may also be interested in http://DjangoZoom.com. I'm a founder, and we'd love to have your feedback on our beta.


You can run django on Heroku as well. There's a good writeup at http://blog.abhiomkar.in/2011/09/17/deploying-django-on-heroku-mac-os-x/

Joe Heck
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Heroku recently announced that they are now supporting Django and Python.

So technically speaking - Yes

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