Questions tagged [graphite]

Graphite is a highly scalable real-time graphing system. As a user, you write an application that collects numeric time-series data that you are interested in graphing, and send it to Graphite's processing backend, carbon, which stores the data in Graphite's specialized database. The data can then be visualized through graphite's web interfaces.

89 questions
2 answers

What is the difference between OpenTSDB and Graphite?

As far as I can tell, here are the main differences: OpenTSDB does not deteriorate data over time, unlike Graphite where the size of the database is pre-determined. OpenTSDB can store metrics per second, as opposed to Graphite which has minute…
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1 answer

Highly-available, Web-accessible and scalable deployment of statsd and graphite

I'd like to setup statsd/graphite so that I can log JS apps running on HTML devices (ie. not in a contained LAN environment, and possibly with a large volume of incoming data that I don't directly control). My constraints: entry point must speak…
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4 answers

Getting client denied when accessing a wsgi graphite script

I'm trying to set up graphite on my Mac OS X 10.7 lion, i've set up apache to call the python graphite script via WSGI, but when i try to access it, i get a forbiden from apache and in the error log. "client denied by server configuration:…
Dr BDO Adams
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4 answers

Disk Capacity Planning for Whisper / Graphite

Does anyone have any formulas, or maybe some sample data from their environment that can help me estimate how much disk space will be used by graphite per datapoint?
Kyle Brandt
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4 answers

tcpdump increases udp performance

I'm running a set of load tests to determine the performance of the following setup: Node.js test suite (client) --> StatsD (server) --> Graphite (server) In short, the node.js test suite sends a set amount of metrics every x seconds to a StatsD…
Ruben Homs
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5 answers

How do you delete a counter in graphite whisper?

I have a counter at and want to move it to I've updated my code to populate the new counter, however the old one still exists. I've read all I need to do to remove a stat from graphite is to delete the…
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Ext4 usage and performance

I've got a cluster of machines running Carbon and Graphite that I need to scale for more storage, but I'm not sure if I need to scale up or out. The cluster is currently comprised of: 1 Relay Node: Receives all metrics and forwards to the relevant…
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3 answers

calculating days until disk is full

We use graphite to track history of disk utilisation over time. Our alerting system looks at the data from graphite to alert us when the free space falls below a certain number of blocks. I'd like to get smarter alerts - what I really care about is…
Amos Shapira
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3 answers

Load avg weirdness on Linux Ubuntu

In past few days I've been trying to understand the weirdness which is happening in our infrastructure but I haven't been able to figure it our so I'm turning to you guys to give me some hints. I've been noticing in Graphite, spikes in load_avg…
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1 answer

How to change grafana units of measurement on Y-axis?

I am gathering data from servers by collectd and store it in the graphite. I want to use grafana dashboards. I am trying to create visualisation for memory plugin. In graphite I am seeing data in Mb, but in grafana graph I see strange "Mib" or "Bil"…
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Graphite shows "None" for all data points even though I send it data

I have installed Graphite via Puppet ( with nginx and PostgresSQL. When I send it data manually, it creates the metric but all its data points are "None" (a.k.a. null). This happens also if I run the…
Jakub Holý
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2 answers

Graphite stops collecting data randomly

We have a Graphite server to collect data through collectd, statsd, JMXTrans ... Since a few days, we frequently have holes in our data. Digging through the data we still have, we can see an increase in the carbon cache size (from 50K to 4M). We…
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1 answer

The benefits of using statsd?

So I've been playing around with graphite for the past few days and I can see the potential there and why it is so powerful. My main question is why should I use statsd in front of it like esty and so many other people do? As of right now I don't…
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2 answers

VM CPU usage at 100%

CPU usage on our metrics box is at 100% intermittently causing: 'Internal server error' when rendering Grafana dashboards The only application running on our machine is Docker with 3 subcontainers cadvisor graphite grafana Machine spec OS…
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1 answer

Secure Graphite installation

I think I misunderstand something here. I've installed Graphite with Docker (sitespeedio/graphite) and set a Basic Auth for the Web-Panel. I opened the Firwall for Port 2003 to get in datapoints from other servers and it worked fine. But there is no…
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