Questions tagged [graphite]

Graphite is a highly scalable real-time graphing system. As a user, you write an application that collects numeric time-series data that you are interested in graphing, and send it to Graphite's processing backend, carbon, which stores the data in Graphite's specialized database. The data can then be visualized through graphite's web interfaces.

89 questions
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How can I get the CPU usage for a given process out of collectd?

I'm running multiple ubuntu (precise) boxes & I've got collectd pushing data up to a central logstash box, which is then sending it to carbon (graphite). I'm running the processes plugin for collectd, which gives CPU time with a 10 second interval. …
Glenn Slaven
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Graphite doesn't display any data

I'm trying to setup graphite (megacarbon) with Ceres storage. Right now the default gui graphite-web does not show any data in Tree / Metrics However in search I'm able to search for my metrics and it shows some results. But I'm unable to plot any…
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graphite queries and confusion around time

I am doing a http query on my graphite server: curl…
Aditya Patawari
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How do I get the Graphite webapp to (re)read what's currently coming from collectd?

I have collectd running the tail plugin and writing data out using the write_graphite plugin (via carbon). This seems to work. If I then change the tail plugin config (e.g. change the Regex or DSType), and restart collectd, graphite stops showing me…
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What does a 'P' in a graphite graph mean?

What does the 'P' in front of the values on the Y axis mean in graphite?
Usman Ismail
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peaks in graphite charts lower for longer time series

I'm trying to figure out something that's counter-intuitive for me in Graphite. I am collecting (for now) test data (with statsd). In Graphite's dashboard, I'm seeing lower peaks for the same set of data for a longer time series. My retention is…
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2 answers

Graphite edit dashboard

I installed collectd, graphite(0.9.10), carbon and whisper on a debian box. Graphite displays the captured data correctly and I can build a dashboard with it. The documentation( also mention…
Paul B
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Graphite metrics from AMQP throws error, takes ages to reconnect

I'm trying to pull some metrics into Graphite over a RabbitMQ exchange. I've got my publishers merrily publishing data to an exchange called metrics, and I've configured carbon.conf with the following: ENABLE_AMQP = True AMQP_HOST =…
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how to write a script in statsD to insert metrics information in graphite

Can anyone please guide me about how to write scripts for statsD & see the metric in Graphite. I am getting the graphs for the default scripts run by statsd to graphite i.e Cpu usage etc but i dont know how to write my own script to monitor some…
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2 answers

Graphite Integration breaks ganglia/gmetad?

I'm trying to forward metrics from gmetad to graphite/carbon. After configuring carbon_server and ganglia_prefix in gmetad.conf gmetad starts losing metrics. gmetad Version is 3.3.5, carbon/whisper/graphite-web is 0.9.8. There is no I/O bottleneck…
Falk Stern
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Regenerate Graphite dashboard

I have a bunch of machines pushing data into a dashboard in Graphite and the number of machines is constantly growing so I am wondering whether is a way to automatically regenerate a dashboard based on the machines that are providing various…
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Is there a daemon that can poll Prometheus targets and relay to Graphite?

I am running a Graphite based collection, and have a couple of Prometheus only apps that I would like to be able to monitor through that. Does anyone know of a proxy-like piece of software that can poll Prometheus targets, and relay that information…
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Graphite does not show all the data points

My program is sending data item every second but when I refresh my graphite graph, I only see few of them. What am I missing here?
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Not able to add servers to graphite server

I want to know how to add clients to graphite server. I want to get logs of multiple servers in my graphite server.I have setup graphite server with gui,whisper and carbon on a centos 6.5 64 bit server.But now I want to know that how to add my …
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