Questions tagged [grafana]

Grafana is most commonly used for visualizing time series data for Internet infrastructure and application analytics but many use it in other domains including industrial sensors, home automation, weather, and process control.

Grafana features pluggable panels and data sources allowing easy extensibility and a variety of panels, including fully featured graph panels with rich visualization options. There is built in support for many of the most popular time series data sources.

Supports Graphite, Elasticsearch, Prometheus, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB and KairosDB out of the box. Or use the plug-in functionality to add your own.

104 questions
1 answer

Using the service.check_command variable in Icinga2 action_url query string

I'm trying to make an action_url which will dynamically link from IcingaWeb2 to Grafana graphs. I have it working up to a point, but I'd like to add another variable...the $SERVICECHECKCOMMAND$ service.check_command variable, and it's not…
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Default Grafana K8s app PV issue: FailedBinding persistentvolume-controller no persistent volumes available for this claim and no storage class is set

I am simply trying to deploy this Grafana app as-is, no changes to the YAML have been made: VMs are Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The Kubernetes cluster is made up of the…
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Hostname instead of IPs for panel legends in Grafana with Prometheus metrics

I want to monitor different servers with Prometheus fed by exporters like node-exporter or postgres-exporter. The metrices should be presented in Grafana as dashboards and alerts. The exporters will be imported by following targets in the…
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1 answer

Choose all labels in a Grafana time series chart in one go instead of "Ctrl+click"-picking each label until the full list is marked?

In a time-series chart in Grafana, I try to mark a bunch of labels so that all of their curves are shown. As a default, I get only four labels' curves in the graph, but I have dozens of labels and I do not want to mark everything with the mouse, it…
1 answer

Grafana does not send notifications through reverse proxy

I am using Grafana on a server that does not have Internet, I need to send Telegram notifications, for that I am using Nginx server in another machine. Server A: Grafana installed / Running on port 3000. Grafana url: IP of…
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Grant access to the Internet only for certain requests from Grafana with reverse proxy

I have two machines: Machine A: Grafana installed / No access to the Internet / Need to send notifications to Telegram Machine B Nginx installed / Access to the Internet I would like to send those Telegram notifications, but the machine A does not…
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0 answers

Error running loki invalid database .error creating index client

I am trying to run loki stack. Running the helm command through the grafana-loki.yaml file - loki: enabled: true persistence: enabled: true storageClassName: azurefile-csi-loki size: 1Gi promtail: enabled: true # fluent-bit: # …
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Get diagnostics information from failed connect from Grafana to InfluxDB

I've tried to set-up a local Grafana instance in a Docker container and I'm trying to connect to my local InfluxDB that is running on the same machine. I can connect to InfluxDB without any issues, but when I want to setup Grafana to connect to the…
1 answer

Ingress Nginx SSL 503 Error

Service.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: grafana name: grafana spec: ports: - name: "3000" port: 3000 targetPort: 3000 selector: io.kompose.service:…
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2 answers

Why is a labels stage in my Promtail's ingestion pipeline without effect?

This is a part of my Promtail scrape configuration on various hosts to collect journald log entries to a Loki instance: - job_name: journald journal: labels: job: journald relabel_configs: - source_labels: -…
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How to get token from URL , save it in header and return it at the end of the next URL again?

I am able to take the token from URL but after that, I want to return it at the and of the next one. For example, I have URL like…
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Prometheus: Get CPU Usage % for one specific process from windows_exporter

I am trying to develop one query to show the CPU Usage(%) for one specific process in one windows server. After digging into the metrics of windows exporter, I found Metric: process.windows_process_cpu_time_total should be the one. I tried several…
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NGINX configuration for reverse proxy and multiple applications

I'm a newbee of NGINX and it really gives me headaches... I have a server with several services running: confluent/kafka, grafana. Each of these services is reachable via http://:port from other computers in the domain. I would like to reverse-proxy…
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Monitoring SLA/SLO/SLI using Prometheus

I have done much research about monitoring SLI metrics with Prometheus. I have found only how to monitor a cluster using Kubernetes. I'm hoping to find a response here for simple monitoring. I also want to know which is better for that using the…
0 answers

How to get the exact used RAM percentage in Grafana?

AM using collectd to collect the metrics from the system, am using Influxdb as a database to collectd the metrics and Grafana for visualization. I need only the used RAM memory in percentage to display in grafana.... I need only the used memory…