Questions tagged [grafana]

Grafana is most commonly used for visualizing time series data for Internet infrastructure and application analytics but many use it in other domains including industrial sensors, home automation, weather, and process control.

Grafana features pluggable panels and data sources allowing easy extensibility and a variety of panels, including fully featured graph panels with rich visualization options. There is built in support for many of the most popular time series data sources.

Supports Graphite, Elasticsearch, Prometheus, InfluxDB, OpenTSDB and KairosDB out of the box. Or use the plug-in functionality to add your own.

104 questions
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How can I hide the Query result in the Panel of grafana 8.2?

Now the panel in grafana 8.2 is picture 1 : Admin Login, User Login, Login Fail are the values calculated from ID 4648, ID 4625, ID 4624 respectively. I don't want to show the 3 Query: ID 4648, ID 4625, ID 4624 in panel . I only show Admin Login,…
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Grafana alert Messages Template Variables not resolved

I have the following Query to determine Filesystem quotas in % 100.0 - 100 * ((node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint="/var"} / 1024 / 1024 ) / (node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/var"} / 1024 / 1024)) The Legend of the Graph ist printed on…
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Grafana plugins not working

I have a grafana server (6.3.5) and I'd like to add the Flowcharting plugin. I've followed the installation instructions in the official documentation and did as follow : sudo grafana-cli plugins install agenty-flowcharting-panel installing…
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Grafana deploy in kubernetes with Letsencript certificate in ingess

I want to deploy grafana in my AKS kubernetes cluster. For deployment I use helm helm install grafana grafana/grafana --namespace=grafana --set…
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If you're seeing this Grafana has failed to load its application files

I want to run grafana behind nginx. I followed this instruction. The only problem I have right now is whenever I try to edit a panel, I will see this error message below. It disappears in a few seconds. The grafana.ini looks…
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Grafana false positive SNMP down

NOTE: I also have Nagios running on another server that reports bandwidth warnings and up/down status. Not a single switch is alerting from this, only Grafana. Grafana version 1.14.1 I was receiving alerts every minute of all switches reporting as…
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2 answers

clone a grafana setup to a different server

I'm writing a set of scripts to automatically setup any virgin ubuntu server to be in a state usable for my production environment. One of the things I want to do is setup grafana so that, on install, it has already added prometheus as a datasource,…
1 answer

Telegraf works manually but not the service - Run Telegraf in background

I have a virtual machine running on Ubuntu 20.04, I installed Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana for monitoring VMs and cluster's nodes. Everythings work except when I try to make telegraf working in background. The command to start manually Telegraf…
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VMWare ESXi remote syslog format

I've followed the documentation, host can connect to remote log port using nc, but no logs are received. As a remote syslog I'm using Loki and Promtail which only supports RFC 5424. Does ESXi ship this format? How the format can be changed?
Jan Zahradník
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How can we add units to grafana email alerts

How can we add units to grafana email/slack alerts hey, how can we add units to grafana alerts metric like 10GB/100MB instead of just long float value (156543906.909) check this email alert metrics Metric name …
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Sending data at 1Hz from collectd to influxdb, but only seeing data at 0.1Hz in Grafana

I have Interval 1 in collectd.conf, and have verified with tshark that many packets are being sent every second. And yet, when I graph my metrics in grafana, I only see data points once every 10 seconds. I am able to INCREASE the interval from 10 to…
Luke Yeager
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How to run containerized prometheus, monitor host and sent to grafana

I have two servers with Ubuntu 18.x. On one I have installed the official dockerized Grafana. What I want to do now is installing a dockerized version of Prometheus on the second server and get the host metrics in Grafana. Do I need a…
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Grafana - Config overridden from Environment variable

I'm trying to follow Configure with environment variables / root_url # grep GF_ROOT_URL docker-compose.override.yml - GF_ROOT_URL= # yet, when I invite users into Grafana, they're getting invited to…
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Grafana-server keeps connect and send data to some external addresses

I am running a Grafana-server on an Ubuntu 15 server. It seems to keep connecting to 151.101.*.133:443. I have identified a few and listed below. When I connect to the address manually from a browser, it returns a SSL certificate. Of…
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