Questions tagged [google-cloud-platform]

Google Cloud Platform provides cloud computing services that let you build applications and websites, store data, and analyze data on Google's infrastructure.

Google Cloud Platform encompasses the following products:

Further information:

2860 questions
2 answers

How to make Google Cloud Load Balancer respect the received X-Forwarded-Proto?

My app structure uses GKE and CloudFlare. It looks like this: CloudFlare -> GKE -> Ingress -> My app running nginx I'm using the flexible SSL in CloudFlare, so only the connection between the user and CloudFlare uses HTTPS, all the remaining uses…
1 answer

NGINX vs. GCE Kubernetes ingress classes

When setting up a Kubernetes ingress on Google Container Engine, you can choose the ingress class (gce or nginx). I realize that the GCE class provisions a load balancer on Google's Cloud Platform, which costs about $20/mo each. After some research,…
1 answer

Tailing logs with GCE and stackdriver

I have a running Kubernetes cluster that aggregates it's logfiles in stackdriver and would like to tail the aggregated logs on the command line. But so far I am only able to view the json stream float by in the web interface or fetch historic…
2 answers

Google cloud unable to connect to the VM on port 22

I am using Google Compute engine to host couple of sites but I resize the disk and then restarted the instance and now I am unable to connect both from gcs and putty. ( Connection Refused ) Serial console output: how can…
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1 answer

Insufficient regional quota to satisfy request for resource: "CPUS"

I have scripts that build up and tear down clusters on Google Cloud Platform. After running these scripts several times without error, I am now unable to run the script to build up a cluster, receiving the message 'Insufficient regional quota to…
Rachel Blackman
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2 answers

What is the default password in Google Developers Console?

[How to change password in Google Developers Console?] I know this should be a very stupid question related Google Developers Console, but I just wasted three hours in it and no luck in google search results. This is the first time I enable…
2 answers

No space left on device after growing filesystem

I am using a VM on Google Compute Cloud. I grew my disk from 10G to 200G. I followed the exact steps here: To summarize: I ran fdisk, removed the only partition, created a new one of the…
2 answers

Use a wild card in StackDriver Logging

I would like to use wildcard in Google StackDriver Logging filter. However, according to the official website, filter can not use it. Is there any method I can use?
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2 answers

Google Cloud Load Balancer to a Cloud Function directly?

I'm trying to send traffic from a Google Cloud Load Balancer (LB) directly to a Cloud Function. My Cloud Function has an HTTP URL trigger and if I hit that URL from a browser it works, so all I need is a rule on the load balancer to proxy that…
Panda Coder
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2 answers

How to add new persistent disk without rebooting the server?

I've got a running instance on GCP and would like to add another persistent disk into it. But it will not show up. It's an n1-standard-1 instance with a 10 GB storage (named s03). I created another storage disk-1 and mounted it. Then I created…
2 answers

How do I access a google cloud storage bucket using a service account from the command line?

I thought it would be pretty straight forward to do this, but I can't get it to work: I'm trying to push files from a server (GCE) to a google cloud storage bucket. To avoid granting the gsutil command on the server too many rights, I have created a…
3 answers

What's the cheapest way to host hobby projects?

What's the best place to put your hobby web projects(the web app itself, not the code) ? Typically, the projects are such that: a) I just want to test out an interesting idea without exploring the business angle to it, just to see how people take…
2 answers

Somebody created projects on Google Cloud in my account without my knowledge

When I access Google Cloud, I see some projects that I haven't created. It seems I can't delete them too, I lack permissions to manage them. I am not using anything from Google Cloud at the moment and want to get rid of all of them. Also one of…
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4 answers

Cannot connect to Cloud SQL Postgres from GKE via Private IP

I am having trouble accessing a Cloud SQL instance running Postgres from a GKE cluster using the database's private IP. All the documentation I've found suggests using a VPC-enabled cluster to accomplish this, but I am still having trouble reaching…
2 answers

What's the correct way of having a GCP account without a GSuit account?

My organization doesn't use GSuit but we still want to use the Google Cloud Platform. I signed up there with my non-gsuit email address and I have a GCP account I can log in to. There are two issues that I'm seeing, which might be related. When I…
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