Questions tagged [google-cloud-identity]

9 questions
2 answers

What's the correct way of having a GCP account without a GSuit account?

My organization doesn't use GSuit but we still want to use the Google Cloud Platform. I signed up there with my non-gsuit email address and I have a GCP account I can log in to. There are two issues that I'm seeing, which might be related. When I…
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How do I Generate a Bearer Token for cURL to Get Thru IAP (GCP)?

I need to cURL a web app hosted behind IAP on GCP. Normally, users log in through IAP and use the web app, but I need to run some cURL commands (interactive and non-interactive) that hit the web app URLs (for example: …
2 answers

GCloud universal service account

I have around 8 projects created under my GCloud account and it might increase in future. I am trying to manage inventory and other activity related to all the projects from single place using automation. It becomes very critical to manage 10+…
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1 answer

How do I authenticate against

I've set up SSSD and openldap to successfully query ldaps:// I can use ldapsearch to perform queries and can interact with the directory using both sssctl and getent. Unfortunately all my attempts to authenticate as a user in the…
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Google Cloud Console access for invited users

I registered a domain (for ex. and I opened a Cloud Identity (free edition) account attached to that domain. Then I configured a Google Cloud access for this Admin user. So, I finally had my Cloud Identity account with my user as an…
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Link user accounts (hierarchy) with Google Identity Platform

I'm planning on having family accounts and I was wondering if Google Identity Platform allows some sort of hierarchical chain across users. Example: my family consists of three people, but I'm the one paying. I'd have full permission (edit payment,…
1 answer

GCP Cloud Identity account creation - Domain Not Found

Trying to sign-up for Cloud Identity but get hit the following error message; What's your business's domain name? What does "There was an error finding your domain." really mean - what is it really looking for? I am using a domain hosted by google…
1 answer

Mapping an IAM role to a Cloud Identity organizational unit

In the GCP IAM console, I can add either the entire organization (the domain of or individual users to Roles. However, I have the users setup in GSuite/Cloud Identity and organized into OUs that I'd like to use. Is there a way to map…
1 answer

Redirect Google Authentication to Microsoft Authentication to use with SAML

At this point I have an issue where I want to login to Google Identity's assets but using Azure AD as the IdP (Identity Provider). I already have the whole SAML environment setup with google as the SP and Azure as the IdP. Now, the issue here is…