Questions tagged [gns3]
15 questions
0 answers
Is there a way to automate testing for a GNS3 network topology?
I'm working on an MPLS backbone topology using GNS3, this topology includes configuration of several networking technologies such as IPv6, BGP, OSPF, IPv6 to IPv4 dynamic tunneling, MPLS based VPNs, MPLS based traffic engineering...
So I'm a…
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connecting to packet tracer from pc
How I can connect to a router that runs in Packet Tracer from the pc that the program (Packet Tracer) runs on it using telnet or Putty or SecureCRT or other shell programs?
I use GNS3 but need to work with Cisco 2800 routers so need to use Packet…
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GNS3 - Connecting Emulalated IOS to TWO PHYSICAL networks
I have a CISCO c3725 router on GNS3 connected to two different and separate unique LANs via the CLOUD/HOST icon, attaching each of the virtual CISCO c3725 to my computer's physical NIC (NIC 1 and NI2.) I have also DHCP installed on both these…
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xinetd service is up but not listening on port 23
I am trying to open a telnet connection from a Wheezy VM to a router in GNS3 but even though the ping is successful, I am unable to open a telnet connection from the VM to any of the routers.
the connectivity is as such :
VM > hub > router1
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How to create a link between GNS3 and a VMWare Workstation VM that is totally isolated from the physical host?
My physical host machine runs windows server 2012 R2 with a DHCP server.
I have the following topology in GNS3:
Windows Server is the physical machine, it is connected to both VMNet 2 and VMNet 3 networks.
Windows 7 is a Virtual Machine running…
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2 answers
GNS3 setup connected to real network. ping failure
I am building a lab environment for CCNA training, using GNS3. The GNS3 network is connected to a real network, let's call it LAN 1.
LAN 1 is not connected to the internet and is completely wired Ethernet. A single instance of GNS3 runs on a…
T. Webster
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KVM host with GNS3 LAB
This is for SDN LAB in the GNS3 with Asterisk.
I have KVM physical host in Germany (everyone knows where I guess). I have a GNS3 lab running on Debian VM with some more VMs inside Vbox there. I'm connected to Internet via GNS3 Cloud and it's…
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2 answers
Physical Interface VS Multipoint Subinterface in Cisco Frame Relay
I am new in learning about Cisco Frame Relay. And I am having trouble in understanding the difference between using physical interface or multipoint subinterface, because it looks the same to me. Example in the topology below:
All routers are in…
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1 answer
IP SLA: tcpConnect frequency and jitter codec
I am trying to generate different kinds of traffic with IP SLA on a c7200 router, I am using the simulation software GNS, so if required I can change my router.
My aim is to generate congestion to see how my network react. But I have a problem with…
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RIP Advertising Networks of EIGRP without Redistributing
This is the topology I have set up in my GNS3.
The RIP V2 protocol of Router R2 is recognizing and advertising the two networks that are advertised in EIGRP, even though the said information should only have been received through redistribution.…
gokul varma nk
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1 answer
GNS3 - Emulating a not supported Cisco router (model 881w)
I want to create a new configuration for a Cisco 881w from scratch. So I want to replicate my environment on GNS3.
But I cannot emulate a Cisco 881w (which is the router i have) into it. So I am wondering which other router supported by GNS3 should…
Jonathan Rioux
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How do I configure Bird to use OSPF?
I'm configuring a network with the following topology:
What I need to do is to provide a service that is available by Anycast and that is announced by OSPF. I managed to configure OSPF on the routers. I also created a dummy interface with the same…
Rodrigo Pina
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1 answer
Error: "you need at least 8.6GB disk space to install SecurityOnion, This computer has only 2 GB"
required disk size is more than 8GB
But got only 2GB
In GNS3 I imported securityonion- image as new qemu vm, not as existing qemu vm. These is no where an option to change/choose enough disk size, the only option I got is to select RAM…
reddi hari
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Connecting two GNS3 setups in two VMs in the same PC
How do i connect these two gns3 setups in different VMs? It's all in the same PC. My end goal would be to ping each VPC to each other. I am already able to ping VPCs in with different VLANs but only within the same VM.
A visual representation of my…
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1 answer
Cannot access Ubuntu Server running on VirtualBox and remote machine
I have installed a Ubuntu 20.04.1 Server as VM on a VirtualBox, this VirtualBox is running on my school's remote server and installed GNS3 on this VM(Ubuntu Server). So far, everything is fine. But when I try to use my local machine (MacOS Catalina)…
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