
How do i connect these two gns3 setups in different VMs? It's all in the same PC. My end goal would be to ping each VPC to each other. I am already able to ping VPCs in with different VLANs but only within the same VM.

A visual representation of my problem:

enter image description here

Katherine Villyard
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1 Answers1


The basic idea would be to connect each router to a local interface via a cloud object in each vm then have a network connection between the two virtual machines. How you do this depends on guest and virtualisation platforms.

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  • when i connect it via UDP tunnel the ping request has the destination host unreachable error. what configurations do i have to change to fix this – Gef Dec 07 '14 at 05:57
  • What platforms are you using and what have you setup? Host unreachable could be a bad gateway or route configuration but we need a lot more information before we can be of further assistance. – ServerMonkey Dec 07 '14 at 06:16
  • i basically have two virtual machines each having its own gns3 lab. the virtual machine has a bridged adapter configured since i will be connecting this to another PC through an ethernet cable. each lab has an emulated 3600 router with the 16ESW slot. with 4 VPCS included connected via switches. my problem is that i cannot get my VPCS ping out of the GNS3 but i can ping VM to VM. – Gef Dec 12 '14 at 12:18
  • How does one GNS3 lab know how to reach the other routing wise? Your diagram needs to include some i.p addresses so we can assist. – ServerMonkey Dec 12 '14 at 13:00