Questions tagged [glusterfs]

GlusterFS is a scale-out NAS file system that runs over Ethernet or Infiniband RDMA interconnect. GlusterFS is now owned by Red Hat.

GlusterFS is a scale-out NAS file system. It is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL v3. It aggregates various storage servers over Ethernet or Infiniband RDMA interconnect into one large parallel network file system. GlusterFS is based on a stackable user space design without compromising performance. It has found a variety of applications including cloud computing, biomedical sciences and archival storage. GlusterFS was developed originally by Gluster, Inc., then by Red Hat, Inc., after their purchase of Gluster in 2011.

322 questions
3 answers

Data resiliency in Ceph or Gluster

Say I am most concerned with keeping my data safe from physical hard drive failure and the computer it connects to directly. RAID1 and RAID5 I understand. They provide protections against data loss due to hardware issues. How does Gluster and Ceph…
2 answers

CTDB Samba script failing to start

Here is the output from a tail -f /var/log/ctdb/log.ctdb 2020/01/27 18:52:52.317670 ctdbd[3330]: Running the "startup" event. 2020/01/27 18:53:22.323208 ctdbd[3330]: startup event failed 2020/01/27 18:53:22.439563 ctdb-eventd[3332]: event_debug:…
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mount glusterfs before nginx start after reboot

On Centos 7 after reboot How can I make sure NGINX is only started after the glusterFS mount is completed? I tried adding a line to rc.local but nginx fails to start and the directory is not mounted at all after reboot. This is the mount…
1 answer

Why does gluster require port per brick?

I am trying to find the reason why gluster needs a port for each brick. Can someone help me understand the reason or point me to some documentation for the same.
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Even with root user Im receiving 'Operation not permitted' when try creating gluster volume between Ubuntu 14.04 LXC containers

Even with root user Im receiving 'Operation not permitted' when try creating gluster volume between Ubuntu 14.04 LXC containers. Need test the solution locally before install it on prodution and even locally i cant install. xfce4-terminal -T…
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What's the best way to sync folders across 03 or more webservers?

I have 03 servers and I want to sync some folders across them. I'm using DRBD + OCFS2 for a year or so, but it doesn't support more than 02 servers right now. I read about GlusterFS and CEPH, but there are a lot of bad reviews about them related to…
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GlusterFS - 'Host not connected' when creating a volume on VBox VMs

I'm trying to deploy a simple GlusterFS cluster on CentOS using Virtualbox. I only have two nodes (gluster-node1 and gluster-node4) with two bricks each and I'm creating a volume with replica level 2. When I issue the volume create command on…
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