Questions tagged [gcloud]

Questions relating to the usage of the Google Cloud SDK's `gcloud` command-line tool.

206 questions
1 answer

running gcloud command on a bash file on windows

Is there a way to automatically execute the command of starting a instance and connect to it via ssh when I launch the google cloud sdk shell ? How to do ? I was thinking about a bash file which will be executed automatically and wich will also…
aa bb
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gcloud auth login: Limit Oauth2 scope

How can I limit the Oauth2 scope when logging in with my user principal using (non service account): gcloud auth login Background: I created a Gsuite Takeout, got the Takeout Bucket. Now I want to download all the files, but I want to give gcloud…
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Occasional permission denied when getting logs using gcloud through Jenkins running as GKE

We are using a Jenkins project to run "gcloud logging read ..." from a shell to get logs from a gcloud container and we occasionally see a permission error in the script: ERROR: ( PERMISSION_DENIED: Request had insufficient…
1 answer

What does gcloud auth revoke actually do?

I'm trying to use a service account to allow a web app to upload files periodically to Cloud Storage with "gsutil cp". During the installation of the gcloud utilities on the web server, I ran a gcloud init and logged in with my main Google account…
Dan C.
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Cannot move files from gcloud VM Instance to laptop

I can move files from my laptop to a gcloud VM instance just fine, the other way around however is not so easy. According to this website I am to use this syntax: scp -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key username@ip-address:remote-file-path local-file-path I have…
  • 101
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Create tablespace in gcloud sql instances

I had created one PostgreSQL instance under gcloud database. Using default user (postgres) i want to create a tablespace but its not allowing me to create, says permission doesn't exist Can we create custom tablespaces with gcloud database instances…
2 answers

Building Google Container

I'm trying to build a simple app container but am getting a 403 saying the project isn't associated with a billing account. I've confirmed the project linked to an active billing account, and even re-attempted using the gcloud beta command: gcloud…
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1 answer

Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I have created vm instance in gcloud. And setup firewall rule to allow connection from port 5000.I added network tag to my vm instance. But if i test the connection by teneting to port 5000 I get telnet: Unable to connect to remote host:…
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why does a google compute VPS instance challenge for a ssh passphrase?

For this already generated dummy key I'm looking to add it to the instance below. What passphrase is being challenged for and by whom? thufir@mordor:~$ thufir@mordor:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 768 -f ~/.ssh/gcloud -C thufir Generating public/private…
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App engine website coming soon

App engine only works in US central. I accessed the site there, but when moved to the west coast, my website displays a "coming soon" page instead of the website I uploaded.
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How to change the default editor of gcloud command?

When I run this command gcloud compute url-maps edit URL it brings up nano as the default editor on my macos macbookpro How can I change this behaviors? I checked the documentation of gcloud config command but it does not have anything related to…
Anthony Kong
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