Questions tagged [gcloud]

Questions relating to the usage of the Google Cloud SDK's `gcloud` command-line tool.

206 questions
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GCSFuse - Fusermount: mountpoint is not empty

Using gcsfuse to mount a point locally on a server within a script. Running on an Ubuntu 14 LTS server. I have two fuse mount points and the script transfers data from other mount points into them. This script is working for one of the mountpoints,…
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kubectl "failed to negotiate an api version"

Hello since yesterday morning I'm running into issues trying to access one of my Kubernetes cluster hosted on Google container engine. I had never had problem until it started to fail but now each kubectl command I try to execute fails by telling…
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gcloud service account oauth token timeout causing container service auth failure

First time question, and I am also new to attempting to configure/administer google cloud services. Please be gentle. My employer uses gcloud ontainer registry to store images, and on the client side, we use use gcloud docker pull ... commands to…
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How do I `gcloud compute copy-files` into a GCE instance as root?

I am trying to copy local files to /var/www/. The instance has two sets of keys. One for the instance creator that's generated by default and one for remote access that I have set up manually. I have successfully logged in via gcloud as the latter…
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Can Google gcloud DNS work with seconday DNS servers?

We use Google Cloud DNS for primary DNS zone hosting. As a primary service is seems very functional. However, I cannot see how to allow zone transfers to a list of secondary DNS servers. This would be useful to provide further resilience. For…
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GCP node schedule with zone fallback

I'm using preemptive machines for some node pools from my GKE Cluster, and I often get the following error saying the zone resources have been exausted: Error Type Error Message ZONE_RESOURCE_POOL_EXHAUSTED_WITH_DETAILS Instance…
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Can I create a secure multi-app intranet on GCP using IAP?

My vision is to create an intranet at, say, without a firewall where users authenticate via IAP to an https load balancer and users anywhere on the internet (i.e., at home) can access multiple apps based on path mapping,…
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How to find out who added a user or modified IAM roles of a specific user in GCP?

I tried but could not figure out that how to find out who added a user or modified IAM roles of a specific user in GCP. is anyone aware of any method?
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Permission denied (publickey). (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255]. exited with return code [255]

try to connect the virtual machine with gcloud but failed. Please advise username@ Permission denied (publickey). ERROR: (gcloud.compute.ssh) [/usr/bin/ssh] exited with return code [255]
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Google App Engine HTTPS listening ports 8443 or 3443

I am testing an application in the App Engine Flexible Environment, and at some point I will need to process some WebHooks sent on TCP ports 8443 or 3443. As long as I could test, App Engine load balancer (which deals with HTTPS connections) only…
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How can I identify what ALPHA/BETA features are being used in my GCP organisation?

I'd like to be able to regularly audit my gcp estate by verifying that no unapproved ALPHA/BETA features are enabled. I can't seem to find a gcloud command that could identify this. I recognise that this command; gcloud services list would list the…
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List NTP information of gcloud kubernetes

Is there an option to show, that is used as NTP when i connect to a pod or to the kubernetes VM? I tried the following: ntpq -p, which results in command not found, but was listed on…
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Will I be charged for a VM instance which was in a project I shut down recently?

I recently shut down a project in gcloud. I had a VM instance running in that. Will that project charge my free trial credit even after shut down?
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How to set instance group manager created instances not simultaneously?

I need instance group manager created multiple instances and then let each instance run a start-up script. But I hope this instance creation has some order or intervals. Cause if multiple nodes run same start up script at same time. This will made…
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kubectl not showing new context created in GCP

From client A, I created a new kubernetes cluster in GCP as follows: $ gcloud container clusters create my-new-cluster --num-nodes 3 From client A, I can see the new context was created: $ kubectl config get-contexts CURRENT NAME …
jersey bean
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