I'm trying to sync a folder with over 3k files to a bucket on Google Cloud with gsutil. The problem is that less than half of the files are uploaded and then I get this error:

too many values to unpack
CommandException: 1 files/objects could not be copied/removed.

Since Google Cloud support is only available for those who have $200 to spare, does anyone here have a solution that doesn't involve syncing each sub folder individually?

I'm using powershell on windows 10, but this issue also happens on linux. I couldn't find a solution anywhere online.

Enrico Dias
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    This issue seems to be fixed in the latest version of gsutil: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gsutil/issues/806 – MBen Jul 09 '19 at 09:10

1 Answers1


As @MBen said, this is a known issue, the last comment states:

v4.40 includes the fix for this bug. The standalone install of v4.40 is now available, and we're waiting on a release of gcloud that includes v4.40 of gsutil. In the mean time, several workarounds have been offered.

That being said, I've locked this thread for the time being, as it's becoming a bit unproductive." - @houglum

One of the simplest workarounds provided is:

If it helps anyone - downgrading sdk works for me. gcloud components update --version 251.0.0 --quiet

  • @Jancis
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