Questions tagged [font]

34 questions
1 answer

CentOs 7 Nginx (13: Permission denied) while loading font file from css

I have an nginx webserver with bootstrap js framework. I am trying to get the css to be able to load the font files. Although i get error 403 when the browser is trying to access the font files. I have looked around serverfault for those that have…
Alex D
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3 answers

Network Deploy Font Windows Server 2003

Is there an easy way to network deploy fonts with Windows Server 2003 and a Windows XP client base?
Chris Marisic
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How do I Install fonts on Windows Web Server 2008 R2

I would like to install Arial on to our web servers. Just need to add, this is because we generate reports server-side and make them available in a number of downloadable formats (Excel, PDF etc), hence the need to have the fonts installed on the…
1 answer

Ghostscript v9.0 force font recognition

How can I get ghostscript v9.0 running on a windows 7 server to recognize a local font as the one it has embedded? I'm trying to convert a pdf with an embedded AkzidenzGroteskBE font and want it to use a AkzidGroCFFReg.otf open type font when…
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Windows 7: Install Type 1 fonts via command line

So I have a number of Type 1 fonts (.PFM & .PFB files) that I am trying to push out to our client machines. After some web searches, here is what I did. On my machine, I installed all of the fonts by opening the font file in windows explorer and…
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Can't find font as regular user

As a root, I can run gvim with my font selected as 'Ubuntu mono 14' and have everything work correctly. But as a regular user using the exact same config file selecting the exact same font, I get this: (gvim:10498): Pango-WARNING **: 20:39:24.946:…
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Installing MS Office Fonts on Windows Server

There are a bunch of fonts installed with MS Office which are not present on Windows Server 2019. We have a web application, part of its functionality is converting Office documents to PDF. When these documents contain fonts that are not present…
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3 answers

Centos fonts

I am using inkscape/gs on a Cent OS 5 server. Where do I need to put the fonts so that inkscape, which uses gs, will be able to find the fonts when it is rendering a pdf or ps file from a svg?
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Some fonts not installed on Windows Server 2012 R2

When I install the .ttf file for the font Bahnschrift on Windows 10 all fonts in the font file become available. Installing the same font file on Windows Server 2012 R2 only 1 font becomes available. These font versions are in the Windows 10 Font…
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Leverage Browser caching for woff2 after appling Cloudflare to my WordPress website

I have a WordPress website running on an Nginx webserver on Ubuntu. The site basically runs fine, quite fast, no significant problems. I do get this error in a Google Pagespeed Insights test. It started the moment after I applied Cloudflare to my…
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Deploying Windows 7 using WDS - Some applications seem to be stuck at 125% dpi settings

I've been using Windows Deployment Server to deploy Windows 7 (64 bit) images and it works very well. However sometimes the deployed installation seem to default to 125% (medium) dpi settings (monitors are generally are 1920 x 1200) which I do not…
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Finding list of fonts for each PC

I am trying to find the best way to find a list of clearview fonts on each PC on our domain. Questions: 1.) Should I use SCCM & how? I've create a Query but I am getting nothing right now. I was told that SCCM does not inventory fonts. I created a…
Benjamin Jones
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Font rendering differences Debian and Ubuntu

I'm having some trouble generating PDF files with unoconv on a Debian (Jessie) server. I use ODT templates in order to generate my final PDF. Everything is working great on my local machine (Ubuntu 14.04) but when I use the same process on the…
2 answers

nginx : add_header directive not working

My Issue: nginx add_header directive doesn't appear to be working What I have tried: In my nginx conf I have this: location ~* \.(ttf|woff|eot|otf|woff2|svg|svgz)$ { access_log /var/log/nginx/fonts.access.log; add_header…
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CentOS: which font to use for Big5-encoded files?

This could be a very basic question, still... Which font do I need installed on my CentOS VM to display Big5-encoded files properly in the output of regular Unix commands like 'more', 'cat', etc. ? And how can I check whether it is already installed…
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