Questions tagged [font]

34 questions
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Customizing powershell font face and size

We have a number of windows 2012 server core systems with powershell setup as the default shell using the following commands: $RegPath = "Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows…
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3 answers

How do I install a font in Linux so that it's usable by xterm?

I came across a question today asking for good Linux xterm fonts, and an answer suggests one called Terminus. I've been looking for a new terminal font for a while now, so I downloaded it (BTW, I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid) and read the README: 1.1.…
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How to install Arial font or any true type font in Debian Wheezy

I have a web page deployed in server linux (Wheezy server version) and this web page generate a PDF file using a Arial font. I've looked at /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ and there is no Arial font found there.…
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Apache2 Cross-Origin Request Blocked while headers are set

My website uses CDN and while everything is fine on Chrome in Firefox I'm getting the following error: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at…
Shahar Galukman
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9 answers

Command window missing default 8x12 font

Installation: Windows Server 2008 R2 Remote Desktop Service role When I logon locally my command window (cmd.exe) displays with default font that is 8x12. But when I logon remotely and open command window, it opens with the smallest possible font…
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Access-Control-Allow-Origin header missing from a response

I'm trying to debug an issue. On one of my sites, the font files are not loading correctly. Someone has reported this error in the inspector log: Font from origin '' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin…
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4 answers

Where can I get good X11 terminal fonts?

I've always had a hard time finding fonts that look good in, say, an xterm. The standard "fixed" font (i.e., the one you get by running "xterm -font fixed") is excellent, as is "10x20". Now I'm looking for a bigger version of either of these -- I…
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Why do installed fonts disappear after reboot?

At my place of employment we have designers who have to be able to install fonts to complete their work so I have given them write access to %sysroot%\fonts and to %sysroot%\system32\FNTCACHE.DAT through GPO and they can install and use fonts fine…
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Specific font in Windows 7 works, but in Windows Server 2003 doesn't. Why?

I have a .TTF font and when i open it in Windwos 7 it's all ok, the characters is appearing in various sizes and etc.., but when i open it in Windows Server 2003 nothing is appearing inside it. Shows up a "blank font", whitout the characters. I need…
4 answers

Installing a font on a web server for ASP.NET application

I've just deployed an ASP.NET application onto a Windows 2003 web server. The application contains Crystal Reports. Some of the reports contain characters in WingDings2 font. When the report is generated those characters show in the standard font…
Mike Cole
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PuTTY not showing some UTF-8 characters

So many questions and answers about PuTTY and UTF-8 encoding... Let me summarize: I'm using a patched Nerd Font ( It displays fine for most special characters, but some just don't display correctly in PuTTY.…
Dennis G
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Are there any legal, free, sources for the Arial Narrow font definitions, to deploy on a Windows 2003 server?

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? I am looking to install Arrial Narrow font definitions on a Windows Server 2003 machine. I believe the font definitions are distributed with Microsoft Office installations;…
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How to set the command prompt font on XP?

I need to set the font on the XP command prompt on a few machines so that it would correctly display Hebrew file names. The default font displays a lot of gibberish, so I'm pretty sure changing it will do the trick. Can anyone point me in the right…
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Allowing users to install fonts in Windows 7 (through GPO)

This is somewhat related to my previous question, Why do installed fonts disappear after reboot?. Having got the font install issue sorted out under XP just fine, recently we've got a Windows 7 workstation and I've created a special GPO for it.…
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Pushing Fonts via GPO

an often asked question, but the standard solution does not seem to work for me. I have a Windows Server 2012-R2 AD with mostly Windows 7 clients. I have a GPO that does the following: Computer Configuration\Preferences\Windows…
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