Questions tagged [distribution-lists]

69 questions
0 answers

Listing users in a distribution list when using mail enabled security groups

Exchange Server 2010 I am in the process of migrating to using mail enabled security groups to populate mail distribution groups. I would like to hide the groups from being listed. So far I have accomplished this. <-…
1 answer

Dynamic Distribution Lists per-group

It's my first time digging into MS Exchange 2013 and I need to do something like this: Each group I create needs a distribution list. Here are the groups and their assigned…
1 answer

Exchange 2010 distribution group change the sender email address

I have a distribution group that contains internal and external members. the requirement is when a member of the DL reply, forward or send an email to this specific DL , the sender email should be the email address associated with the DG and not the…
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Share Exchange Calendar with Company Wide Distribution List

I have just created a user/calendar in Exchange 2010 for "Team Lunches." All employees should have editing capabilities to this calendar in order to schedule lunches with their team and for everyone to see when each team is meeting for lunch during…
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How can I restrict the hours an distribution list can be used in Exchange?

We have a distribution group on our Exchange service on Office365. The business is keen to restrict the hours that the distribution group sends messages to out of hours to reduce email distractions. So if you sent an email to the group at 10AM, it'd…
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How can distribution lists in Exchange be managed by non-IT staff?

At work, we maintain over a hundred distribution lists in Exchange and are constantly receiving requests from staff for these to be updated. This seems very inefficient to me. Surely, it would make more sense if the day-to-day maintenance of…
Austin ''Danger'' Powers
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Active Directory distribution list inaccessible to external e-mail accounts

I have created distribution lists for my organization. The members of these e-mail lists will not receive e-mails if the sender is e-mailing the list from an external e-mail. Is there a way to allow internal distribution lists to receive e-mails…
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Win Serv 2008 R2 Standard Exchange Management Console Issue

When I am in the Exchange Console and under the Recipient Configuration --> Distribution Group some of the DLs are greyed out as shown below: The ones in color I can make adjustments to who is in the group while the grey ones I cannot. Why is that…
1 answer

Windows server distribution list or Exchange shared mailing list?

Do you think it is better a distribution list in active directory or a shared mailing list of exchange for company internal mail alias (one address to many recipients)? I can not unserstand pro and con. Thanks
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Track messages marked as spam and remove them from my mailing list

Is there a way to know when a message which our mailserver sent out is reported as spam? I'd like to know, so I can remove them from our distribution list.
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View people in a dynamic distribution group

Ok, so I've been dealing with this for a while and I'm sorry if it seems like I'm asking the same question over and over (it sure feels like I am) Is there a way for my users to run the LDAP query that populates a dynamic distribution list from…
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3 answers

Can someone with "send on behalf of" send to a restricted exchange distribution list?

I have distribution list that where I have set Message restrictions to accept messages Only from a set of users. Some of these users have secretaries, which can send on behalf of their manager. If the manager can send to the distribution list can…
Tao Zhyn
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3 answers

Does Exchange 2010 lift the restriction that DL addresses must be in Active Directory?

We'd like to enable end-users to be able to create and maintain their own email distribution lists in Exchange 2010, where those lists may include users inside the company but also customers, partners, etc. who are outside the company. One of the…
1 answer

Dynamic Distribution Groups - Description ID Field

We have Exchange 2010, I am trying to create a dynamic distribution group that contains users with Exchange mailboxes, is within a certain OU and has a description of "xxxx". I don't see the ability to filter based on the description field using the…
1 answer

How to create email list in exchange 2010

I would like to create some kind of email list in exchange 2010. From user side, it will look as something like this when they create message: Group_1 Group_2 Group_3 When user click on the list above (for example Group_1), it will select all email…