Questions tagged [database-performance]

185 questions
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MongoDB Performance Troubleshooting

I have a small MongoDB replica set (2.4.6) and it seems about once a week, the primary gets bogged and the load average spikes up. This app doesn't see a huge amount of traffic. It resides in EC2 and is a M1.medium (1 cpu, 3.7 GB RAM). We have…
2 answers

InnoDB Buffer pool hit rate missing from engine status output

I want to check the buffer pool hit rate for InnoDB on MySQL but when I query the database the hit rate seems to be gone from the results: Using query: SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS\G ---------------------- BUFFER POOL AND…
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How to install Sphinx on CentOS 6 where the DB and App server are separate servers

First what is the best way to install Sphinx on a centOs server rpm -ivh yum install sphinx didn't seem to work. Also, my set up is one app server, and one database…
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Low priority batch processes on live Mongo database

We want to run MapReduces on our live Mongo database, mainly so that we can extract metrics. However, we've had some bad outages caused by these MRs bogging down the Mongo server (in particular 100% disk IO). We think it's due to missing indexes. Is…
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Is there a "rigorous" method for choosing a database?

I'm not experienced with NoSQL, but one person on my team is calling for its use. I believe our data and its usage isn't optimal for a NoSQL implementation. However, my understanding is based off reading various threads on various websties. I'd like…
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Is there a negative impact to using SQL Server with a lower compatibility level

We have SQL Server 2008 R2 which we are using for a database with a compatibility level set as 2005 (90). We will by upgrading it to 2008 at some point, but in the meantime I would like to know if having the database in a lower compatibility level…
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How can I tell if I would benefit from upgrading my Amazon RDS instance?

I have several sites with very high traffic - all hosted on Heroku and all of which access a db.m1.large mySQL Amazon RDS instance - and would like to know if there would be a performance benefit in upgrading to an instance with more processing…
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How does MySQL 5.5 and InnoDB on Linux use RAM?

Does MySQL 5.5 InnoDB keep indexes in memory and tables on disk? Does it ever do it's own in-memory caching of part or whole tables? Or does it completely rely on the OS page cache (I'm guessing that it does since Facebook's SSD cache that was built…
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Database Server Hardware components (order of importance), CPU speed VS CPU cache vs RAM vs DISK

I am new to database world and would like to know what are crucial hardware specs when it comes to database performance. I have searched the internet and found this so far (In order of decreasing importance): 1) Hard Disk: Get an SSD basically (much…
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How do multiple servers work in terms of databases?

I don't know an awful lot about servers, but I do know that there are many ways you can improve the performance of running a web application, in terms of hardware. For example, starting with a single server, you can: Move the database onto another…
Alex Coplan
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Mongo has a huge log and sometimes hangs the box

My mongodb_mp.log is growing very quickly A tail -f of the file scrolls very quickly Do I need to look into connection pooling?
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MySQL becomes unresponsive a few times per hour

I'm stuck trying to solve a MySQL issue. A few times an hour, for about 60s, MyuSQL becomes unresponsive, causing our site to be inaccessible during that period. I enabled the slow query log and found nothing amiss (all the queries during the outage…
Sherif Buzz
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How can I tell how my oracle databases configurations' differ?

I have two databases with the same data, running on the same physical server. They are performing differently (one is twice as fast as the other). I've compared the Initialization Parameters and updated the SPFILE parameters so that they are…
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Is it possible to prioritise a tablespace for caching in RAM with Postgres

We have a large postgres database (over 100GB) running off a server with 32Gb of RAM. Some of the database we care much more about the performance of than other parts, so our idea is to put those tables in a separate tablespace, that can be…
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Measuring Performance through SHOW INNODB STATUS;

When looking at the output of SHOW INNODB STATUS on mysql what are the most important values to be looking at, and what would be an indicator of poor performance? Specifically under FILE I/O and BUFFER POOL AND MEMORY. The DB server is: High-CPU…
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