Questions tagged [database-performance]

185 questions
1 answer

Regarding how Big companies set up their databases

I am trying to understand how do companies which handle a large database requests set up their infrastructure. I have recently created a few python applications which store data in PostGres and requests to read/write take time; since they are not…
1 answer

Proof CPU maximum frequency in VM

CPU-Z on some customers VM for DB server is constantly showing 2,8 GHz CPU frequency. While with TurboBoost enabled it could be 3,6 GHz by the Intel documentation. VM administrator is telling me, that TurboBoost is enabled, that the frequency is…
1 answer

how to initiate and maintain mongo shard replica set from mongos server?

I am trying to initiate a mongo shards replica set from mongos server, I want my mongos to maintain replica set and able to add new server to replication if needed.
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Why would my Oracle read from disk?

Our Oracle server (version 12c) is running on a RedHat-6.7 server with 128GB of RAM. The current size of the only database on it is only about 60GB. Yet, we see plenty of disk reads -- on the device where the database is stored -- in the…
Mikhail T.
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PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect()

I'm Having same Problem. PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in I gone through PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect() in. i have same problem. but noothing works for me. server details: php version…
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