Questions tagged [database-performance]

185 questions
1 answer

dm_exec_query_stats returns worker time greater than elapsed time

I frequently query sys.dm_exec_query_stats to find expensive queries. I've noticed that in some cases the total_worker_time is greater than the total_elapsed_time. Does anyone know why this would be the case? I'm looking at an example right now…
4 answers

High CXPACKET wait type in SQL Server even with MAXDOP = 1

I have always had a very high CXPACKET wait type, and I've been told that it stems from parallel processing, and I should keep MAXIMUM DEGREE OF PARALLELISM = (Nº Processors / 4), or 1 in my case. But the CXPACKET waits are still very high, at…
2 answers

SQL performance, how to exactly measure bottlenecks

Yesterday me (programmer) and one of my coworkers from our Hosting department started series of tests to address performance issues with our websites. We are running a server with Windows Server 2008 with 8gb of ram. We are going to upgrade our…
1 answer

Is there a MySQL engine for in-memory tables that support row locks?

The default MySQL in-memory engine only supports table-locks. This is killing our performance on our session table (using Joomla on the front-end). Is there a (third-party) engine of an in-memory table that supports row-based locking?
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Mysql slow query log issue...?

Analyzing the slow query log of my mysql database server, i found an interesting query taking more time and making issues in performance of my application.Please help me to find out the issue ? # Query_time: 481 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 25571220 …
3 answers

Is there an advantage to allocating much more space than needed in Sql 2005?

Folks, I'm migrating 2 databases from a cluttered hard drive to a new one I purchased specifically to host these two databases. The databases are roughly equal in size and projected to grow equally. Does it make sense to allocate half the hard…
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long dataset of small rows -- infrequent writes, very frequent reads -- what's the best platform?

A part of the platform I am building requires a large data table (starting at tens of millions of records, scaling to hundreds of millions within a year or two, maybe reaching billions at some point). The structure of the data table is: int, int,…
3 answers

Does the order of creating a columns for a table impact performance?

For purely asthetic reasons I've always had the first column(s) of a table as the primary key column(s). After that I've not taken any care to the order columns are added to the table. Is this wrong? Is there a performance benefit to place say…
Tim Murphy
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Roughly how much use could you expect to squeeze out of a ~$1000 MySQL server?

I know this is a horrible, generalized question with no good answer, and I apologize ahead of time, but I wonder if someone could take a stab at a very broad estimate. Let's say you have a dedicated MySQL server running on about $1K worth of modern…
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SQL Server MDF Files Split guidelines

Are there any specific guidelines to split up a single MDF file into multiple files for a single database. An example of a scheme that I can think of is splitting it so that one NDF file contains just indexes and another just the tables which take…
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Tools for analyzing performance of SQL Server/Express?

The application that I have customized and continue to support for my client is seeing dramatic performance problems in the field. Simple queries on rather small datasets take over a minute when I would expect them to complete with sub-second…
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Firebird database corruption causes

I am running several different Firebird versions (2.0, 2.1) on multiple entry level Windows-based servers with wildly varying hardware. The only matching thing between them is that they are running same home built application with the same database…
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2 answers

Use the same database or replicate it for reports and web

I would like to know if i have a web with a huge Database and throw expensive (in time)reports , the best way to do this is with one database for the web and a replicated one for reports, or only one for both, i'm worried that users can throw…
1 answer

Should I partition my main table with 2 millions rows?

I am a developer and would need some DBA-advices. We are starting to get performance problem with a MSSQL2005 database. The visible effects of the incidents is mainly CPU-hog on the server but operations reported that it was also draining resources…
0 answers

SQL 2008 Database tuning advisor won’t start

For some reason I can't get DTA to connect to my development machine. It connects to a remote DB just fine but when I point it to my dev machine I get an error saying: Failed to initialize MSDB database for tuning (exit code: -1073741819). I'm…