Questions tagged [rdbms]
20 questions
2 answers
What is Data Scrubbing in the context of database?
Even after reading on Data Scrubbing on Wikipedia, I am still not clear on what Data Scrubbing really is when the term is used for database.
Is it a formal engineering principal that there is a pre-defined way to perform data scrubbing? If so, what…
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4 answers
RDBMS: Is it possible to scale out a RDB?
Is it possible to scale out a RDB ?
If it's possible, how can one achieve it?
I'm asking this question because I assisted to a NoSQL event in which the speaker told many times that the one of the disadvantages of relational databases is the…
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2 answers
When - if at all - should I switch from MySQL to MariaDB?
Now that MySQL is owned by Oracle, the future of the RDBMS seems uncertain. The fork by the main developer of MySQL, Monty Widenius, called MariaDB, is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. Version numbers match up of those two DB-Servers, and MariaDB…
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1 answer
Shadowing MySQL and PostgreSQL to each other
I have a project currently based on PostgreSQL 8.1. However, some of the data processing for it needs to happen on a server for which 7.4 is the latest version (for now, only official packages via yum can be used there).
What I would like to be able…
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1 answer
What exactly is "pinning" in relation to indexes?
When one talks about "pinning" in indexes, what exactly is this? Is there some other word/term I can search for, as google has not provided any solutions.
It is part of a test question, where students were asked to define and describe pinning in…
Database User
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1 answer
Fio disk test which block size to chose for mysql?
If my fs use 4k block size, mysql use 16k page size. But which block size to choose for fio test?
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0 answers
After some minutes oracle database is down, but listener still active
I installed Oracle 12c R2 on my fedora 24 server. Before its updates and the last upgrade to fedora 26 it was running ok, but then neither the listener nor the database can be bringed up. After some research i found a very usefull script called…
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1 answer
Simulate power loss with force unmount?
I want to test disaster recovery of RDBMs after power loss under high load.
My idea is to mount data directory under new mountpoint and then execute umount -f during the load and investigate outcome / state of files.
My expectation is that with…
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3 answers
can sybase replication be used to synchronize sybase and mysql databases?
I see that mysql replication can synchronize from sybase, but can sybase replication server write to and read from sybase?
I'm trying to figure out a migration path of a big old legacy sybase system lots of little applications to mysql and figure I…
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1 answer
Is there a "rigorous" method for choosing a database?
I'm not experienced with NoSQL, but one person on my team is calling for its use. I believe our data and its usage isn't optimal for a NoSQL implementation.
However, my understanding is based off reading various threads on various websties. I'd like…
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3 answers
where can I find the database file and table files?
I installed MySql using :
yum install mysql-server
It is working fine from the terminal.I created a database named music and created some tables inside this database . Now I want to port the entire database to some other machine. How do I do that…
Suhail Gupta
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1 answer
starting MySql on fedora
To install MySql I tried this after downloading the rpm package from the official website :
yum install MySQL-server-5.5.27-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm
Everything went fine and process was completed but now how do I start this RDMS ? I don't see any icon…
Suhail Gupta
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1 answer
clustering MS SQL 2008
Possible Duplicate:
Sql server active/passive vs active/active clustering
I have a Project in DBMS just I need something like a BIG TITLES of What TO DO.
Here a brief way about the Project:
Install 3 WIN2K8 R2 one of them domain controller…
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1 answer
Benefits of separate RDBMS server
I'd like to compare the benefits of two hosting architectures for a small server (meaning a 2-core CPU and 250GB SSD, with 100GB dedicated for data, is more than enough), consisting mostly of a custom application providing web services, with a REST…
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1 answer
How to migrate from Oracle RDB for OpenVMS to MySQL in Windows?
I have a legacy Alpha server with a RDBMS database. This db is replicated in a MySQL db with many bad php scripts that drops all the tables and takes everything from the Alpha.
This works very slow and is becoming unmaintainable. Is there a better…
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