Questions tagged [database-performance]

185 questions
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SQL Server 2005 global slowdown

Two days ago our production server suffered a massive slowdown where the primary symptom was that an extraordinarily high number of requests were suffering SQLTimeouts. I will quickly describe our setup, what I investigated, our workaround, and will…
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Can you break down relative MySQL load by "source" of query?

I am trying to improve server performance, and it is clear that MySQL is a major contributor to the problem. Troubleshooting it, however, is very hard. I am using the slow query log to target specific kinds of queries, but the real issue is that…
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How can I tell if NUMA is enabled on a MongoDB server?

Our mongodb process is consistently using >100% of our CPU (this is on an Ubuntu 64-bit server on Linode) and we're casting about for performance improvements. One suggestion we found was that MongoDB and NUMA don't work well together:…
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Store TIME in SQL

What is the correct way to store the TIME of day in SQL? Have a field that cares only when an action took place. Example values will be 2:30 PM or 14:30, it doesn't matter to me which. This value will NEVER (ha, ha) be added, subtracted,…
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PostgreSQL 9.0.X or 8.4.X - performance, replication, stability

I've been developing an app w/ server infrastructure for a while now, and I'm getting ready to release soon(ish). So far the server backend has been running on PostgreSQL 8.4.7, and it's working as it should. Right now, though, I'm thinking about…
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Very large database, very small portion most being retrieved in real time

I have an interesting database problem. I have a DB that is 150GB in size. My memory buffer is 8GB. Most of my data is rarely being retrieved, or mainly being retrieved by backend processes. I would very much prefer to keep them around because some…
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Multiple columns in a single index versus multiple indexes

The short version of my question is what's the difference between three indexes each indexing a single column and one index indexing three columns. Background follows. I'm primarily a programmer but have to do DBA work because we don't have a DBA. …
Tim Coker
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Which is faster? 4x10k SAS Drives in RAID 10 or 3x15k SAS Drives in RAID 5?

I am reviewing quote for a server upgrade. (RHEL). The server will have both Apache and MySQL on it, but the reason for upgrade is to increase DB performance. CPU has been upgraded massively, but I know that disk speed is also a factor. So RAID 10…
Jon M
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Maximum number of database inserts per second

I am looking at designing a system that will be recieving very many records. Is there any fixed limit on how many inserts you can do in a database per second? We normally use MS SQL server, is Oracle any better? Is it possible to get better…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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Most efficient/quick SQL database update/restore method

I'm working on a very large database (250+ gigs) with well over 225 million records. The database is hard to work with simply from its sheer size. This database will only be used as read-only. We're looking at getting faster hardware, but either way…
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Performance differences between EXT4 and XFS on kernel 4.15.0-76

OS: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS Kernel version: 4.15.0-76-generic Storage type: RAID10 (4 x SSD) Question: is it a bug for this version of kernel? EXT4 run a lot slower when we perform same SQL insert test; XFS respond a lot healthier at 2K INSERT + 2K…
Thomas G. Lau
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Mysql high cpu usage (over 600%)

The server has 8core CPU and 22 GB of ram. Every day receives many requests from users, and recently a replication mechanism has been activated, with an implementation of a db master and a slave. Now the server is really slow (on ssh top, mysqld…
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MariaDB 10.3 CPU usage, Server performance suggestions

my platform: 8 cores, CPU benchmark > 10k (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz) 32GB of RAM 2x 7200 SATA enterprise HDD, 128MB cache, each of them have physical 512b block size Actual file system (/var on md3) is XFS (128GB), RAID level 0…
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Are the limitations of SQL Server Express the bottleneck?

Question: What is the best way to determine whether the limitations of SQL Server Express are the bottleneck in an environment? Are there some performance counters that would be a good indication for example? Would some of the information within SQL…
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0 answers

Exchange 2010 on KVM - CPU usage reporting incorrectly

Good Morning, I have virtualized an exchange server using KVM (proxmox actually). It is Exchange 2010 SP3 running on server 2012 R2. KVM version 1.7.1. I am using the latest (0.1-74) virtio storage and network drivers. Exchange is set up as a…
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