Questions tagged [custom-errors]

74 questions
2 answers

With an application server behind a reverse proxy, which server should handle the error pages and why?

We have a reverse proxy setup for our application that is managed by another team. Currently the 404 and 403 pages we've setup on the application server are overwritten with the reverse proxy error pages. Is there way to let the application server…
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IIS 8.5, Win Srvr 2012 R2 - CustomError mode=Off does not work, Blank page

We have an MVC app on IIS 8.5, Win Server 2012 R2. When we set web.config to: The site shows completely blank when there's an error. Searching around I found that perhaps it…
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How to send all HTTP error codes dynamically to one PHP file when access to all other files is denied?

I'm having the following situation, I'm developing an API. I rewrite all traffic to one PHP script named: route.php, using mod_rewrite like: 1: RewriteEngine On 2: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] 3: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d 4:…
2 answers

IIS and Windows authentication not allowing error pages

I have been trying this from last two days. I am not getting whats the problem. I searched the web but didn't find any solution. i tried all the settings of IIS like "Moving negotiate down, disable other authentication" but doesn't work. SO here is…
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Browser shows IIS Error Messages with WebSphere error messages below

I am working on an environment (external) where IIS is the web server and WebSphere is the application server. I have noticed that the error messages (Ex. 403, 404) show both IIS error messages as well as what the application returns through…
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IIS Remote Errors to Specific Hosts

One of the IIS configuration options is how much error detail goes to the client's browser. It is clear why one would want their own development servers and not pass detail error messages to the public from their production servers. How do you…
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Make an error page folder serve a 403 error to external requests

I'm fiddling about with a server, and I've made one of the subdomains a proxy for a service that isn't always up. The server block looks like: server { server_name; error_page 502 /error/down.html; location / { …
1 answer

Custom error pages when using IIS as a reverse proxy

I've configured IIS to act as a reverse proxy for a development server (dartlang's pub serve if you're curious). I'm doing this because the development server doesn't support custom error pages and I need them to be working locally. I've set up…
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What would make a Custom 404 page suddenly stop working and show 500 instead?

I have a Custom 404 page written in classic ASP that's worked well for a couple of years. Suddenly, instead of seeing he expected nice 404, instead we're seeing a 500- internal server error. There's nothing been changed in the IIS config (not…
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Custom "Not Found" with G-WAN Web Server on static content directory

Custom "Not Found (including Text and Headers)" with G-WAN Web Server on static content directory Before I ask my question, note that I have figured out how G-WAN builds responses with scripted languages from the csp directory. I just want to serve…
1 answer

Plesk 11 - Custom Error Documents, URL fails with "Wrong URL format"

I am setting up a new Plesk account and want to add a custom error document, 404, specifying a URL to a PHP file. In another account, which uses an earlier version of Plesk (v10, if not mistaken), the following method works, just not in Plesk…
Sarah Weinberger
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How to tell httpd to preserve the proxied error message?

I have an httpd server proxying the requests to 2 different tomcat servers. One of my server handles the authentication and returns a specific http error code 521 when the user already have a running session. My issue is httpd automatically maps…
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Custom Event IDs Using NTEventLogAppender

This is my first post on ServerFault, but I love StackOverflow. I'm a coder, and as such I'm more comfortable in an IDE than in the registry, so I've come here for help. Problem: I have a chain of loggers CustomLogger (appends the log message with…
0 answers

How to set up custom 401 error page or redirect in WSS3 SP2

I've got a WSS3 sharepoint site that requires windows authentication both in IIS and via the Sharepoint site. What I would like to do is in the case that a user does not provide valid AD credentials they are redirected to a custom error page.…
2 answers

IIS 7.0 404 Custom Error Page and web.config

I am having trouble with a custom 404 error page. I have a domain running a .NET proj with it's own error handling. I have a web.config running for the domain which contains:
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