Questions tagged [httphandler]

7 questions
1 answer

IIS 7.5 ignoring local HTTP handlers

I am trying to serve a simple proxy application for a web service. For this purpose, I have a HTTP Handler that passes on any request to my website to another website configured in the web.config. The proxy has been tested locally and it works…
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How to allow to change php version via .htaccess in Apache?

I've a Centos 7 with Apache, I want to compile php 7.0 and 5.6 and configure that as PHP-FPM. How can I configure Apache to allow users to change php version using .htaccess? Example .htaccess entry: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php7 .php
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Custom "Not Found" with G-WAN Web Server on static content directory

Custom "Not Found (including Text and Headers)" with G-WAN Web Server on static content directory Before I ask my question, note that I have figured out how G-WAN builds responses with scripted languages from the csp directory. I just want to serve…
1 answer

Restrict uploaded file type and browser type to a specific folder in IIS 7

I'm trying to restrict a particular folder on my site to only allow certain files to be posted via mobile device. We are exporting data and movies from iPhones and iPod touches, so I'd like to limit the browser user-agent type to Safari, as well.…
tim m
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.ashx cannot find type error on IIS7 , no problems on webdev server

I am trying to make work on IIS7 (a simple comet chat implementation) Here is a portion of my web.config.
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Bypass OnAuthenticateRequest from web.config for certain paths

We have a web-app that basically catches all requests for url-rewriting purposes, except for a certain sub directory (/static) which has it's own web.config (NOT a subapplication!), which defines a StaticFileModule for all files. However, since it…
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IIS Server, sudden 404.4 on all sites The resource you are looking for does not have a handler associated with it

I have a long standing IIS 7.5 box that suddenly stopped working mid morning today. Something has obviously changed but I have been unable to determine what and would appreciate any suggestion. All of the sites on the IIS server have started…
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