Questions tagged [custom-errors]

74 questions
1 answer

Overland SnapServer 510 - Constant Beep

I have an Overland SnapServer 510 with GOS 6.5.029. I cleaned it, reseated the memory, same sticks, same slots. But now, when I boot, it is emitting a constant beep. I can't find anything about "tones" or "beep codes" in the SnapServer GuardianOS…
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IIS 7.5 Custom Error on 403.XX

I use typical custom error pages in IIS 7.5 like 404 or 401. I would like to know if there is a way to set custom error pages for individual error categories; for example: 403.16 - Client certificate is untrusted or invalid or 401.2 - Logon failed…
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Catch upstream down (502) errors and display custom error page

This question should have been answered a longtime ago, but I can't seem to figure it out despite reading many common answers, can someone please point out why my configuration isn't working? Goal: when upstream server_api is down (say, its worker…
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HTTP Error 500.19 - IIS Error

I have following lines in my web.config file. All I am trying to achieve is to display a custom error page if anything goes wrong in application. But instead of getting the custom page I get error as in attached image. Any idea why ? I am running…
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Setting up custom error pages for nginx with https and virtual hosts

We have an nginx (OpenResty instance acting as a load balancer. It has two server directives, one to serve one specific site (let's call it and one wildcard for everything else. We're trying to configure it so…
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How can I deny from a certain IP address but still show a custom error page with Apache2?

I have In my web root /home/www/ I have an .htaccess file to ban IP addresses: order allow,deny deny from deny from allow from all ErrorDocument 500 /errors/500.htm ErrorDocument 403 /errors/403.htm I have also tried it this way…
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Can I include the path and query string in an IIS "Error Pages" redirect?

I'm setting up a custom 403.4 handler so that non-SSL requests to my site are redirected to a different URL - and what I'd like to do is to include the script path and query string in the redirect, so that a user who requests…
Dylan Beattie
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Custom 403 Error page not showing

I want to restrict access to certain folders (includes, xml and logs for example) and so I've given them 700 permissions, and all files within them 600 permissions. Firstly, is this the right approach to restrict access? I have a .htaccess file in…
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customErrors="RemoteOnly" not working properly in Server 2008

It would appear that on my brand new Windows Server 2008 with IIS7, customErrors is not working. We have customErrors set to RemoteOnly in the web.config on our Asp.Net sites and applications. However, no matter what we do, it would appear that our…
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How to configure custom error page in Plesk 9.3 for non existing folder?

I'm trying to configure Plesk in order to show website visitors a custom error html. The current hosted site is an ASP.NET site. This site shows its custom errors on error403.aspx and error404.aspx files. Now to comply with plesk, I've created…
Junior Mayhé
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Cannot add cron task

I'm trying to add cron task to renew my certbot certificates everytime they are going to expire, but I can't seem to be able to do that. I used this command: crontab -e 0 12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew -quiet crontab: invalid option -- 'q' crontab:…
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NGINX block location access and redirect to custom error page

I have a issue with my NGINX setting with redirecting to a custom error page on another location (incl. css, images, js) if a error page should be thrown. At first I would like to block access to an folder (like .git). This can be easily done via…
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Custom error page apache

I'm trying to setup a custom error page (reverse proxy is apache) Service Unavailable The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. **Additionally, a 503 Service…
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Custom 403 Error page is not displayed when wildcard characters are in the url

I have been customizing all error pages in my Apache project. Everything seemed to be ok until 403 Forbidden Error appeared. When I send a wildcard character through the URL (such as a blank space or an asterisk), the custom error page is not…
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apache 2.4 proxyerroroverride for custom 503 but not 404

We have a tomcat application that has a nicely formatted and functional 404 page. We were using Apache 2.2 as a front end, and overrode the error pages for 502 and 503 error conditions using the ErrorDocument directive for those two codes. In…
S. Gevers
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