Questions tagged [http-error-401.2]

16 questions
3 answers

Hide Physical Path in IIS HTTP Error

Is it possible the hide the below physical path from IIS server..? When someone try to enter the URL with folder name that time below error raiser in browser : For Eg : https://MyDomainAddress/JS
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Apache: how to set custom 401 error page and save original behaviour

I have Kerberos-based authentication with Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE). When user is trying to open some url, browser ask him about domain login and password like in HTTP Basic Auth. If user cancel such request 3 times Apache returns 401 Authorization…
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httperf hangs when using --hog

I'm using httperf from a large ec2 instance with ubuntu 10.04 (no other software installed). When I test without --hog the tests run however when I use --hog the tests never end
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Are there common situations that cause a "401 Error" being displayed without a login dialog being displayed first?

Perhaps this is a somewhat broad question, but I am currently relying on shots in the dark ... We sometimes provide access to some web URLs (running Apache 2.4) protected by basic password protection. I have never seen it myself, but every now and…
Hagen von Eitzen
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Chef-server 12.1.0 backup and restore gives me 401

I have a chef server with opscode-manage and I would like to backup everything (config, db etc..) for the restore on an a new server I have backed-up and gunziped the entire postresql (dump) /etc/opscode /var/opt/opscode On the new server I have…
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How to automatically redirect on access denied errors (401) in IIS?

I have the following issue with a Web Site deployed within IIS: The web site uses Windows Authentication only and the domain controller serving the application is not stable. Due to configuration issues (no redundant DC configured), the application…
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Authorization Required! – 401

We have a weird problem and we can't figure out what's causing the issue. Randomly, some of our visitors get the following error: Authorization Required! – 401. This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document…
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IIS and Windows authentication not allowing error pages

I have been trying this from last two days. I am not getting whats the problem. I searched the web but didn't find any solution. i tried all the settings of IIS like "Moving negotiate down, disable other authentication" but doesn't work. SO here is…
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401 Using Multiple Authentication methods IE 10 only

I am not sure if this is more of a coding issue or server setup issue so I've posted it on stackoverflow and here... On our production site we've run into an issue that is specific to Internet Explorer 10. I am using jQuery doing an ajax POST to a…
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Custom 401 error page served by Apache for firefox by not IE Kerberos Authorization by group

My Custom 401 error page gets served by Apache for firefox by not IE. I'm using Kerberos authentication and ldap group Authorization. Basically if a user is not in the proper group I'd like the 401 error page to show. This is working properly with…
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Nginx/uWSGI Flask app suddenly return 401

I'm kind of new to deploying uSWGI python apps behind nginx as a reverse proxy, but so far I have had no trouble at all. I have a small linode where I deploy all my python webapps simultaneously. As of yesterday I had two of them running on ports…
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401 Running VBScript as scheduled task

I setup a scheudled task on Windows Server 2008 to run the following command: C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe //b //nologo D:\WebSites\MySite\Scripts\UpdateCache.vbs The VBScript being run makes a simple GET request: Dim o Set o =…
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How does Round Robin verus Sticky IP affect performance

I am analysing a performance problem on a Load Balanced WSS 3.0 site. The site uses Round Robin load balancing and Windows autentication with NTLM. One of the problems appears to be excessive http 401.2 responses. There are periods where there are…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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Http 401 entries in IIS log of SharePoint Server

We are trying to fix a performance problem. It is a WSS 3.0 solution running on Windows 2003, behind a hardware load balancer with IE6 clients. We use windows authentication with integrated security. So far we have found that there appears to be a…
Shiraz Bhaiji
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IIS Windows authentication doesn't works after SSL Binding

Hi I have an IIS Web Site, on W2019 server, with Windows authentication enabled. With the http binding the windows authentication works fine. With the https binding I have a loop of the login prompt and I'm not able to logon. If i click on the…