Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization.

This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it, such as , , and .

370 questions
1 answer

Puppet: array in parameterized classes VS using resources

I have some use cases where I want to define multiple similar resources that should end up in a single file (via a template). As an example I'm trying to write a puppet module that will let me manage the mapping between MAC addresses and network…
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Using Augeas to modify Squid configuration

I'm running squid-deb-proxy and I want to alter the configuration using Puppet/Augeas. When I try this: augeas {'squid-deb-proxy.conf': lens => 'Squid.lns', incl => '/etc/squid-deb-proxy/squid-deb-proxy.conf', changes => ["set…
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2 answers

How can I find which configurations I've modified?

I installed Debian on a computer three years ago. I've made changes to a variety of configurations (print, ssh, and so on). I'm now backing up in preparation for an upgrade. I would like to save copies of those configurations that I have…
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When is applicationHost.config read from the filesystem?

We're thinking of updating our server farms to use Shared Configuration, and we're wondering about the performance penalty for doing so. We're wondering when the applicationHost.config file is read from the filesystem? Every request? Everytime the…
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3 answers

How do I sync configuration between my ubuntu servers? And how do I automatically restart services when their configuration changes?

First of, I'm fairly new to this whole linux thing... So be gentle. The setup: I have a couple of Ubuntu servers... A pair of DNS servers running Bind, and a pair of servers running Nginx and HAProxy to load-balance requests to some back-end…
1 answer

Create Mobile Device Management Server for iPhone Management on Windows Server

I need to create Mobile Device Management server to manage my enterprise's iPhone devices. I need to configuration it on Windows 2008 server. What are the steps to configure Mobile Device Management server for iPhone management on Windows 2008…
2 answers

How to manage the installation and configuration of software on non-domain joined Windows XP machines?

I have a large set of unattended Windows XP machines who are not connected to a domain or even to each other. I am struggling to find any tools out there that I can use to deal with them in one application. I am hoping to find software that I can…
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2 answers

puppet or chef for stand alone server with limited resources

I have a small virtual linux server (500 megs ram). I may eventually get one or two more servers, not more. I'm a dev, not a sys admin so I don't know the best practices involving linux administration. I do know that I don't want to setup a machine,…
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3 answers

Chef/Puppet with multiple configuration servers

Does either Puppet or Chef support replicated puppetmasterd/Chef servers? It seems very surprising to me that these tools would force a single point of failure, but I haven't been able to find any mention of this in their docs or Google. I know…
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1 answer

How would you get a list of all the applications in use at your company?

I'm responsible for maintaining a list of all the applications in my company (about 250). The range is from HR systems that track 80k employees, to manufacturing-type systems responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue, to web…
Kaiser Advisor
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5 answers

Opensource RightScale-like EC2 deployment management

Does anyone know if there are any solid opensource alternatives to RightScale for EC2 deployment+maintenance management? Basically what I'm looking for is: Script based AMI deployment and configuration. In my case nginx + Jetty. Network health…
2 answers

Git Repo to mantain the app configurations in several servers

I need to versioning in a GIT repository, configurations of a particular platform, spread across multiple servers. Take into account that in each of these servers there are completely different configurations, while the application is the same. What…
gulden PT
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2 answers

Network and Server Management Tools

We are building a farm of test servers. Currently we have 8 servers. We are planning to use the servers to test the following Mysql Cluster Xen or KVM virtualization Heartbeat/Pacemaker/DRDB What tools do experienced sysads use for: Initial…
1 answer

Comparing DLL sets from the same app on two different machines

Is there a good way to compare the DLLs loaded between two machines running the same app. (And to replicate the process between N other machines, two at a time?) Background: I am trying to track down a configuration/setup issue. It's the age-old,…
Paul Sasik
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3 answers

Is there a method or application which compares server configurations?

I have windows staging and live servers for hosting our companies asp .net web applications. Recently, there have been issues with changes existing between the staging environment and the live environment that have only been discovered during the…
Brian Scott
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