Questions tagged [snippet]

4 questions
5 answers

Bash snippet for killing a process until it's dead?

I'm trying to write a robust bash script, and in it I create a background process. At the end of the script, I want to kill it. I have it's PID. I was thinking of somthing like this while [[ ps ef $PID ]] ; do kill $PID sleep 0.5 done Any…
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6 answers

Bash snippet to see if something is listening on a port?

I want to see if something is listening on a port on localhost. I was going to use nc and check the exit code. Something like this: echo "" | nc localhost 14881 echo $? Any other suggestions?
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2 answers

Bash snippet for apache error log to show what URLS are causing 404s?

I have a standard apache error log file. I would like to see what URLs are causing 404s, since I have moved this site around and I want to find bad links. Can anyone recommend a bash snippet that will parse this log using awk or something to show me…
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2 answers

Best CMS to handle short snippets of text?

I have to install a CMS to manage a set of mathematical problems, i.e., our main content will be short (~3 lines) snippets of text. We need the ability to add comments and categories/tags, possibly with a powerful search function combining different…
Federico Poloni