Questions tagged [buffer]

56 questions
2 answers

an upstream response is buffered to a temporary file

I have a rather large and slow (complex data, complex frontend) web application build in RoR and served by Puma with nginx as reverse proxy. Looking at the nginx error log, I see quite a few entries like: 2014/04/08 09:46:08 [warn] 20058#0: *819237…
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Nginx: How To Completely Disable Request Body Buffering

I'm trying to set up Madsonic on my Ubuntu box and have Nginx run in front of it. Problem is, I keep getting this warning when I try to upload stuff through the web interface: 31115#0: *14 a client request body is buffered to a temporary file This…
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How to share the clipboard between Windows Server 2008R2 and a guest running Ubuntu 12.04?

I use Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V and a guest running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. How can I share the clipboard between Windows Server 2008R2 and a guest running Ubuntu 12.04? UPDATE What protocols do I need to connect these machines? I'd like to…
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6 answers

join_buffer_size >= 4 M is not advised?

I get this message from join_buffer_size >= 4 M This is not advised On the other hand, I read in Debian's my.cnf guide about jont_buffer_size that: This buffer is used for the optimization of full JOINs (JOINs without indexes).…
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Linux disable disk cache for a single command

Our server is performing decently, but when backups or other scan processes run it will tank the entire server. Something like clamd will run and scan many files. While we expect slow performance, it's killing our cache and the end result is we…
Kristopher Ives
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Netstat -s showing (and growing) "packets pruned from receive queue" and "packets collapsed in receive queue"

we are seeing the following: [root@primary data]# netstat -s | grep buffer ; sleep 10 ; netstat -s | grep buffer 20560 packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrun 997586 packets collapsed in receive queue due to low…
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4 answers

How to permanently increase innodb_buffer_pool_size on Ubuntu

I have read lot of posts & manuals to try to find out how to increase memory in MySQL 5.6 on Ubuntu, which say there are 3 methods: By editing innodb_buffer_pool_size in the my.cnf By command line option on starting MySQL Dynamically with SQL…
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"No buffer space available" on connect

I'm seeing the error message "No buffer space available" when processes call "connect" on a Linux virtual machine. I'm having trouble tracking down the cause - hopefully someone can help! I've checked the following: (1) File handles: cat…
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4 answers

Comet with uwsgi and nginx, how to turn off the output buffer?

How can I prevent Nginx from buffering the output of my uwsgi app? For my comet style application I'm using long polling and the requests are now buffered. I tried to reduce the size of the buffers, but I'm not allowed to put uwsgi_buffer_size and…
Peter Smit
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1 answer

Linux: What application is using my ram cache

I am wondering if I can see which application is using my ram buffer and cache. Also is there any time specified in kernel, when data is dropped from cache. My Ram is being full used by buffer and cache and it starts eating swap too. Output of free…
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What scale of data loss or corruption do I risk if I enable the write buffer on a file server?

I have found plenty of articles online warning of risk of data loss or corruption for drives with write-buffer enabled in the event of power loss. However, I haven't found any that actually refer to the scale of the risk. I'm looking to build a…
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How can I force a merge of all WAL files in pg_xlog back into my base "data" directory?

Question: Is there a way to tell Postgres (9.2) to "merge all WAL files in pg_xlog back into the non-WAL data files, and then delete all WAL files successfully merged?" I would like to be able to "force" this operation; i.e. checkpoint_segments or…
Zac B
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1 answer

System network buffers leaking/fully used, on Windows x64 with plenty of free RAM. How to diagnose and resolve?

This is related to this question and extends it. The symptoms are the same - 2012R2 x64 with 64GB RAM (21GB used), ping and nslookup both work fine, but IE won't open web pages, net use X: \\share returns an error 1450 "Insufficient system resources…
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2 answers

Node.js program failing to read .log text file with Buffer error

I am attempting to view a log with a program called 'logger'. When I run node logger I get the following error: The 'logger' program file looks as follows: var fs = require('fs'); var file =…
2 answers

Mysql innodb_buffer_pool_size in relation to innodb_buffer_pool_instances

I run a virtual server with an Owncloud installation on it. Now Owncloud has the problem that the way it's developed at the moment, each file upload causes a little MySql overhead. So is very important to tweek the MySql database as good as…
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