Questions tagged [data-loss]

36 questions
3 answers

Update Postgres on Production Server without downtime

I have a production server running Postgres 9.4. The database is > 10 GB. Is it possible to upgrade to Postgres 9.5 without downtime and without loosing data? Upgrade tutorials recommend to stop Postgres while executing sudo pg_upgradecluster 9.4…
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Cassandra snapshot restoring : random missing data

I'm having a hard time restoring snapshot on Apache Cassandra (version 3.0.9). As far as I can say, I'm following the procedure described on datastax blog, along with several other ones (for instance :…
P. Bender
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2 drives "failed" on a 3 drive RAID 5

But I don't believe it. The machine is a Dell PowerEdge 2600 server running Windows Server 2008 trial 32bit (yah, its not supposed to...but it works! [well, it used to]). For the sake of confusion: the drives are numbered 0, 1 and 2. I was coding…
David Murdoch
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What scale of data loss or corruption do I risk if I enable the write buffer on a file server?

I have found plenty of articles online warning of risk of data loss or corruption for drives with write-buffer enabled in the event of power loss. However, I haven't found any that actually refer to the scale of the risk. I'm looking to build a…
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Save data after accidental dd format

as embarrassing as it sounds I managed to dd a debian iso to an external hd instead of my usb pen drive. now my 1.5 tb western digital has 1 700mb partition named debian and the rest is unallocated space. if I understand correctly how dd works the…
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LVM vs RAID0 vs RAID "linear" - Combine 2 disks as one, data recovery?

given two 2TB USB external disks that have to be combined to one 4TB volume and formatted with one big Filesystem (XFS), I have a small question to ask. Does LVM provide better Data recovery, should one disk be unplugged/damaged by being able to…
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Data loss due to MySQL DRBD Heartbeat failover script

Using DRBD version: 8.2.6 (api:88/proto:86-88) Here is the contents of /etc/ha.d/haresources db1 drbddisk::mysql Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/drbd::ext3::defaults mysql and /etc/ha.d/ logfile …
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Last time SQL Server downtime or data-loss occured, what happened?

This isn't a question about how to cope with or limit downtime or data-loss, I know all about that. I'm putting together a 'stories' section for my PASS post-con on disaster recovery and I'd like to be able to share some more recent and impressive…
Paul Randal
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2 answers

Appropriate network monitoring tool(s) for logging hiccups

I have a customer who has problems with our software crashing from time to time. Unfortunately, if you unplug the network cable in the middle of a transaction our software will crash every time and there is nothing that can be (or at least nothing…
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1 answer

Is there a risk of data loss on RAID1 when RAID controller stops working?

I heard that using RAID5 or RAID6 can be problematic: if RAID controller stops working, there is too much pain to recover the data when you do not have another controller of the same type. Now, is it the same thing with RAID1? Or in RAID1,…
Arseni Mourzenko
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3 answers

Accidentally delete /usr/share/* what is the right solution to backup data?

How ? When trying to create a chrooted environment for some users, I end up using mount --rebind In order to allow chrooted users to access some useful command (a bad practice, yeah) After some discussions with a colleague, I've…
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Server hang - data loss on reboot, post mortem analysis

A development server I'm responsible for (ext3 on raid 5 w/Debian Squeeze) froze up over the weekend and I was forced to reset it, as in unresponsive from KVM/physical keyboard access, no eth devices responding, etc. Not even the backup process ran…
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How to investigate frequent but dissimilar data-loss events

I have a Xen domU provided by a third party, running Ubuntu (10.04, server edition, stock -server kernel). This server runs Dovecot and Exim4, with mail stored in Maildirs, and runs a fairly typical LAMP stack with most applications in Perl, and all…
James Green
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Periodic Mysql Data loss

Almost once in 2 weeks,i am facing mysql data loss in a table. almost 600 rows are being deleted. I cant trace that issue. What may cause this or how can i trace who/what makes it ? Thanks
Utku Dalmaz
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1 answer

mysql Data loss after server restart

Possible Duplicate: mysql data loss after server crash After the server restarted due to a power cut, we lost all data saved in the database during the morning (client records created in the website). A few minutes before the crash, I was able to…
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