Questions tagged [transaction-log]

62 questions
1 answer

Does a failed full backup invalidate future transaction log backups?

I have a server running SQL Server 2005. I have nightly full backups, with transaction log backups every 15 minutes. This is a relatively small server so I am not doing any differential backups. If one of the nightly full backups fails, is the…
Warrior Bob
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7 answers

My templog.ldf is huge (45gb), What if anything should I do?

I've a SQL 2005 installation and my templog.ldf file keeps growing to consume all the free space on the drive it's on. Sometimes it'll stop with a few mb free but sometimes it goes further, this being the c drive I think this behaviour may be…
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3 answers

SQL Server transaction log BACKUPS are very large

In SQL Server 2008 R2 I have a database that has full backups nightly and transaction log backups every ten minutes. The database is in full recovery model. The problem is that the backup files for the transaction logs are hundreds of megabytes in…
2 answers

How to shrink 40GB LOG file

I have a problem that is my log file in SQL Server 2008 is grown to 40Gb and I wanted to shrink it. The query I am using is ALTER DATABASE DatabaseName SET RECOVERY SIMPLE use DatabaseName GO CHECKPOINT GO DBCC…
2 answers

How do MySQL logs compare to Postgresql logs?

MySQL has quite a few logs: InnoDB transaction log Binary log General query log Error log Slow query log I know about Postgresql's WAL, which is equivalent to InnoDB's transaction log (correct?). What about the other MySQL logs such as bin log -…
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SQL transaction log backups conflicting with full backups?

On our SQL servers (2000, 2005, and 2008), we run full backups once a day in the evening, and transaction log backups every 2 hrs. We haven't really worried about these two processes conflicting, but lately we've run into some of the following…
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How can I find the space used by a SQL Transaction Log?

The SQL Server sp_spaceused stored procedure is useful for finding out a database size, unallocated space, etc. However (as far as I can tell), it does not report that information for the transaction log (and looking at database properties within…
Sean Earp
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How can I force a merge of all WAL files in pg_xlog back into my base "data" directory?

Question: Is there a way to tell Postgres (9.2) to "merge all WAL files in pg_xlog back into the non-WAL data files, and then delete all WAL files successfully merged?" I would like to be able to "force" this operation; i.e. checkpoint_segments or…
Zac B
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SQL Server 2000, large transaction log, almost empty, performance issue?

For a company that I have been helping troubleshoot their database. In SQL Server 2000, database is about 120 gig. Something caused the transaction log to grow MUCH larger than normal to over 100 gig, some hung transaction that didn't commit or roll…
Mafu Josh
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How many HTTP transactions through a connection in Haproxy

I want to know how many http transactions occur through a specific connection of Haproxy with a client (frontend). If I could associate connection (session) id with the frontend's request I would be able to count number of log lines with this id,…
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2 answers

Restore transaction log backup - media family error

Our backup procedure is as follows: midnight full backup, every 8 hour differential backups, and every 5 minutes transaction log backups. Maintenance plans keep everything rolling and tidy. To restore to a specific point in time (let's say yesterday…
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Simplest way to shrink transaction log files on a mirrored production database

What's the simplest way to shrink transaction log file on a mirrored production database? I have to, as my disk space is running out. I will make a full database backup before I do this, so I don't need to keep anything from the transaction log…
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1 answer

My log file size is 121 GB how to reduce?

We are using Navision 2009 and the database transaction log file has grown to 121GB. We would like to shrink the file. Can this be done?
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Transaction log backup size change

We are running six transaction log backups every day on our SQL Server with three hours gap for each succeeding pair. I have noticed the 'data size change' column of the transaction log backups on the server to show 630%, -21%, 0%, 2%, 3%, and -83%.…
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How do I restore a SQL Server database from last night's full backup and the active transaction log file?

I have been told that it's good practise to keep your SQL Server data files and log files on physically separate disks, because it'll allow you to recover your data to the point of failure if the data drive fails. So... let's say that mydata.mdf is…
Dylan Beattie
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