Questions tagged [blocking]

121 questions
1 answer

block website for a specific Mac address - lede firmware router

I am trying to block specific websites/urls in my home network only for specific users / Mac addresses, is this at all possible? I have a Linksys WRT 1900 WRT v2 router running LEDE, a varient of OpenWRT. Thanks
Ess Tukay
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how to disable a spcific cgi page in apache?

I have an Apache server that hosts multiple sites, one of them use CGI, one of them does not. While security scanning this non-CGI site was flagged in the tool for security review for a CGI page. I am trying to block that page in Apache using the…
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UFW doesn't block the mongodb port

I have blocked 27018 using ufw but still, I can connect to that port from my computer using mongo command line tool. is there any solution to this? I tried to run ufw reload but result is still the same
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is it possible to block a certain facebook or twitter account via firewall or proxy?

I would like to block/filter/censure certain social network users witch content may be offensive or violent, so that people inside my LAN ( say school ) will have access to the main site, for example but not to for example to…
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How to keep md-raid from blocking IO?

I run a server with md-raid (software) level 1 (2 HDDs mirroring) and several different applications run on it. The problem arises when file-intensive jobs (e.g. extracting large archives) run while some users are also using realtime applications…
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2 answers

How to lock Windows Server 2008 R2?

I have a virtual server running Windows Server 2008 R2. There are approximately 4 users of the virtual machine that access the machine via RDS. I have noticed several instances where multiple users logged onto the system cause processing problems…
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User blocked in AD by some windroid device

We have a user that is constantly blocked. We checked the logs in the domain controllers and all the information shown is that a WINDROID device is the source. How can I know which device is causing this? Is there a way to analyze this more deeply?
1 answer

Block empty user-agents nginx?

My site was under attack and I noticed all the user agents are blank. How can I block this with my nginx? I have no idea what to block, if this is an empty user agent or what.
3 answers

Block IPs in apache2

Ok another noob questions here. I have serveral IP's probing my server for phpmyadmin and other administrator stuff, looks like they're looking for something to hack, but honestly I don't care who they are, I just want to block them. How can i block…
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4 answers

Fix/Bypass "Cannot connect to the real website-blocked" error in Google Chrome with OpenDNS blocking

Tl;Dr: How do I stop chrome from refusing to load pages that are blocked by OpenDNS, where the server has explicitly requested HTTPS? Long question: I have a large problem with Chrome in my organisation. I use DNS to manage web site blocking, for…
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Apache Bot Blocking when using element

I was looking through my access logs today and concluded I should probably make an effort to deal with bad traffic. I am trying to use this list ( as as starting point. My server is setup is a Java…
Alex Edwards
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3 answers

How do I Stop IE8 through WSUS

Currently I have a two domain enviroment of vista with all machines calling into WSUS. The with the recent advent of IE8 being avaliable through WSUS that's been great. However I want to stop IE8 from being adverstied and for the life of me I…
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2 answers

How to diagnose Windows hangs - which resource is blocked?

We have a Windows 7 Pro machine running Apache/php/postgres processing Ajax requests under a constant load (several every second). Its also running various other applications, which perform lots of disk writes. Usually Ajax responses are received in…
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What can lock the only MySQL db process?

A plain old "delete single record" statement froze on me. Suspecting a (dead)lock issue, I checked the process list to see what blocks the delete. The delete statement was the only running db process and still its state was Locked. It remained in…
Rafał Dowgird
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1 answer

Intercepting/blocking outgoing emails from mailx + phpmailer

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to ideally intercept (if not block) mailx from sending emails? The situation is that we have a development server (CentOS) that hosts the current version of our website. The system as part of its processes…
Rob Forrest
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