Questions tagged [blocking]

121 questions
2 answers

Block SSH access from specific countries

I found this handy script online, and would like to modify it to only block SSH access but I don't know anything about iptables and Im afraid Ill kill my system as i have no physical access to…
Maciej Swic
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Blocking requests from specific IPs using IIS Rewrite module

I'm trying to block a range of IP that is sending tons of spam to my blog. I can't use the solution described here because it's a shared hosting and I can't change anything to the server configuration. I only have access to a few options in Remote…
Thomas Levesque
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3 answers

How Do I Block an IP Address on ubuntu?

I have configured Ubuntu machine as router. Steps of NAT configuration are given below: #iptables -F #iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE #iptables-save > /etc/network/iptables Then kept this file location…
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Block UDP traffic by rate/string-match on Windows 2008

I am administrating a Windows 2008 server (64-bit). It is being subjected to a focused set of DOS attacks where UDP packets are sent to a specific port and contain a specific string. What I need to do is rate-limit UDP traffic to that port on a per…
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Block specific client on CentOS by client name

I am looking at my Apache access log and there is suspicious activity from several ip ranges. What they have in common is that all of them are identified as "Allegro-Software-WebClient/4.07". Is there a way for me to create a rule for apf or similar…
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3 answers

How to configure a network to block gmail but allow google apps mail?

Google app mail loads via[domain] and gmail loads via How can I block computers on my LAN from accessing gmail urls but at the same time permit accessing google apps mail urls? I can modify…
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1 answer

Disk IO causing high load on Xen/CentOS guest

Background I'm having serious issues with a xen based server, this is on the guest partition. It's a paravirtualized CentOS 5.5. I'm not sure if it's hardware or software related, or in between (drivers). Basic information Updated controller…
Peter Lindqvist
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1 answer

NFS-shared file-system is locking up

Our NFS-shared file-system is locking up. Please feel free to ask any questions you feel relevant. :) At the time, there are a lot of processes in "disk sleep" state, and the load averages on our machines sky-rocket. The machines are responsive on…
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3 answers

Stop slowing down fast and verbose operations when using ssh over slow connections

I often copy many files between 2 servers connected via 1GBit ethernet while I am connected via VPN and SSH over DSL. The problem is, that the verbose output (1 line per copied file) which needs to be sent over the slow connection to my ssh client…
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3 answers

block websites in our network

We would like to block users from accessing sites like facebook and all from our network. All the connections are through our router(linux machine). What would be the best way to block the sites on the linux router ?
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3 answers

SQL Alter database failed - being used by checkpoint process

On my SQL server 2008, i have a SQL agent job to restore a database on nightly basis. Procedure: find latest backup on other server Kill all conenction to the destination database Restore destination database with replace, recovery It failed last…
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1 answer

NGINX block location access and redirect to custom error page

I have a issue with my NGINX setting with redirecting to a custom error page on another location (incl. css, images, js) if a error page should be thrown. At first I would like to block access to an folder (like .git). This can be easily done via…
2 answers

Log and Block Website using Windows 2008 SBS

A client has asked me to setup Windows 2008 SBS to block and log websites from a list they will provide. As far as I know they only have standard edition which means I cannot use ISA. I was thinking of using squid authenticated against Active…
1 answer

How can I block all IPv6 Adresses starting like this 2a01:598:xxx in my .htaccess file?

How Can I block all IP Adresses that start like this 2a01:598: in my htaccess file? I tried: Deny from 2a01:598::/28 and i also tried it like this: Deny from 2a01:598:: But it doesnt work? What am I doing wrong? My wordpress website is running on…
Benjamin S
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1 answer

Alter database blocked by -2

We have a database that we can't restore because any alter database to put it into single_user mode (or offline) will fail because it is blocked by a distributed transaction. sp_lock -2 shows the following: spid dbid ObjId IndId Type …
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