Questions tagged [blocking]

121 questions
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Why is php-firewall blocking these ip ranges, isp's and host's? where can I found the blacklist?

The php firewall is blocking thees ip ranges for spam. Thats ok, but where is the source for this information? $ip_array = array('24', '186', '189', '190', '200', '201', '202', '209', '212', '213', '217', '222' ); And why is this ip ranges…
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Hosts file entry directed to a directory on localhost

I have a directory setup with a nice error message at http://localhost/blocked/. I'd like to direct entries in my hosts relating to sites I've blocked to that instead of just doesn't work. I'm clueless about the host…
Regis Frey
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Site getting blocked on corporate networks

Our site is getting blocked in corporate networks across various companies, but not all. Would appreciate help on what could be the reasons for this and how we can resolve this? Attached are a couple of snapshots that customers have sent us from the…
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After USBGuard having blocked all USB devices including keyboard, is there any way to stop the service?

After USBGuard having blocked all USB devices including keyboard, is there any way to stop the service? Or will I need to reinstall the system as it is rendered unusable if it is not remotely accessible?
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Email deliverability with forwarding

We recently migrated servers and are having problems with deliverability. The server uses MailEnable. We have several addresses that we use to redistribute to multiple users (e.g. forwards to,…
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Bind/Fail2ban how to reject requests from certain domain

Today I got my VPS stucked. Centos 7, 4 cores, Bind 9.11. From ssh I got Message from syslogd@host at Jul 18 09:46:16 ... kernel:NMI watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 41s! [f2b/observer:1299] From another ssh screen leaving top running…
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How to block via Windows 2008 R2 firewall based on workstation's name?

over 8GB of traffic from a workstation named KHAOSSERVER has occurred since yesterday; in the Security Event Log are records like this: An account failed to log on. Subject: Security ID: NULL SID Account Name: - Account Domain: …
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How to block videos by title on youtube using Squid?

For example,i want to block videos that contain the word "cat" in the title. I also do not want the blocked videos appearing in: -Recommended Channels tab -Recommended/related videos -Search results Basically i am trying to imitate…
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statistics on port 22 blocking

What are the statistics on port 22 blocking by firewalls in small and medium sized enterprises? We have a product that a customer installs on a PC, which communicates via ssh to our cloud server. It would be good to know how common port 22 blocking…
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Allow visits only via domain, block by ip address

I am trying to block people from accessing my server via my ip address. Ideally I would like them to only be able to access it using my domain name. I have searched Google and unable to find anything. Is there a way to do this in nginx and/or…
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blocking search engine bots directadmin

I want to block some bad search engine bots like MJ12bot, YandexBot and Ezooms. We have like 200 users in the directadmin environment, and we want to install a "plugin" or "mod" to block those request because we dont't want to go to every site to…
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How to Block all websites except one website in a LAN?

How to Block all websites except one website in a LAN of Ubuntu 11.10 Clients ?
Naval Saini
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iptables rules for blocking specific packets

Im using the following iptables rule: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags PSH,ACK PSH,ACK -m length --length 52 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j DROP It does it's job for blocking the unwanted packet from my server , but it also blocks…
Adrian Nica
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How to set up websense to prevent workers from answering questions on SO?

Question 1: How to set up websense to prevent workers from posting on SO (and all related sites), without blocking them from viewing answers? Question 2: How to make SO (and all related sites) pop up a captcha everytime it is visited from the office…
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Services and protocols to restrict torrent traffic at a university campus

Which service has the ability of blocking bit-torrent traffic on a subnet network, snmp or bgp? Are these protocols useful for such blocking ?
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