Questions tagged [opendns]

Questions related to OpenDNS

OpenDNS is a company and service which extends the Domain Name System (DNS) by adding features such as phishing protection and optional content filtering to traditional recursive DNS services.

The company hosts a cloud computing security product suite, Umbrella, designed to protect enterprise customers from malware, botnets, phishing, and targeted online attacks. The OpenDNS Global Network processes an estimated 60 billion DNS queries daily from 50 million active users connected to the service through 24 data centers worldwide.

37 questions
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Problems with DNS propagation 10 days after a change was made

The engineering team I work with has been in the process of moving equipment from one datacenter to another. Ten days ago we moved one of our name servers authoritative for our client's domains ( and updated its IP address with…
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What to filter when providing very limited open WiFi to a small conference or meeting?

Executive Summary The basic question is: if you have a very limited bandwidth WiFi to provide Internet for a small meeting of only a day or two, how do you set the filters on the router to avoid one or two users monopolizing all the available…
Tim Farley
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Alternative ways to get past 32 rpz zone limit in BIND? ...without running BIND a thousand times

Using BIND RPZs gives me exactly what I'm looking for to alter queries. However, my recursive DNS server is in use by hundreds of clients and I am looking for a way to allow each client some level of customization. There's possibly a couple hundred…
3 answers

Do we need a DNS server when we use OpenDNS?

I am in the process of splitting roles up from one server to 5. The current server is running as a DNS server, among other things. The DNS server just has a forwarder to the OpenDNS IP addresses and the workstations have the IP address of the local…
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Using different DNS with Squid based on client IP

I have a network with a policy where some clients have to use openDNS for page filtering and some are allowed any DNS (e.g. Google DNS). I am using Squid in transparent mode for all connections to the internet. Squid allows defining dns_nameservers…
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Is OpenDNS safe to use in a location with Exchange/Reverse DNS

I like OpenDNS, but was wondering if anyone has experience deploying it for a location with an Exchange installation. I'm concerned specifically about whether any filtering they do would cause problems with reverse DNS lookup that might interfere…
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Active Directory OpenDNS forwarding

I currently have set up my Windows DNS to forward to OpenDNS. However, all traffic in OpenDNS shows up from the IP of my local Windows DNS server. Is there any way I can make the individual devices look to the local DNS and if they don't find what…
3 answers

DNS Settings Being Ignored

I'm trying to set up my LAN with OpenDNS, and it seems that my DNS settings are being completely ignored. Even if I set my laptop (running Ubuntu) to have only the OpenDNS primary IP (and verify in resolv.conf that NetworkManager did its job)…
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6 answers

Require authoritative answer for DNS resolution

We have two forward lookup zones ( and that aren't actually registered to us. Sometimes, our MS DNS server forwards the queries for network resources within these domains to OpenDNS, who is our forwarder. OpenDNS then…
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Preventing circumvention of OpenDNS with iptables on a gateway server

I'm trying to setup iptables rules on my gateway server to force my kids to use opendns (I've recently discovered that 1 of them has manually is using google DNS instead on his local computer). Here is my conf in /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf: option…
0 answers

BIND DNS to DNSSEC Converting Forwarder

I have an internal only DNS server running on BIND 9.8.4 on Debian, this recurses and caches all queries other than internal domain (ourdomain.lan) to OpenDNS. What I am hoping to do is to have all internal queries secure or not "converted" to…
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Fix/Bypass "Cannot connect to the real website-blocked" error in Google Chrome with OpenDNS blocking

Tl;Dr: How do I stop chrome from refusing to load pages that are blocked by OpenDNS, where the server has explicitly requested HTTPS? Long question: I have a large problem with Chrome in my organisation. I use DNS to manage web site blocking, for…
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New DNS settings from router not pushed to all stations

After updating the static DNS settings on our Cisco WRVS4400N router, approx 1/3 of stations did not receive the new DNS settings. On the stations that did not receive the new settings, ipconfig /all still shows the old DNS settings. Network has…
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Bind with openDNS forwarder fails to resolve some local domains

I have a local DNS server set up for my network, which is set up to resolve local machines and forward anything non-local up the chain. Some of the definitions single depth subdomains, e.g. time A files A dev A …
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Domain Controller, DNS Server and OpenDNS - Block 1 user?

We have a domain controller (Windows Server 2008R2) which is also our DNS server. The DNS server has a forwarder that points to OpenDNS ( All of our workstations (Windows XP Pro) are configured to point to our local DNS server. I…
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