Questions tagged [azure-networking]

Questions related to azure networking: Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, routes, gatewayes and vpn/expressroute

334 questions
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How to make production ready connection between VNET and Web app for containers?

I am struggling with picking right solution for given scenario: This is how VNet is looking now: Gateway is showing adress from 10.10.XXX.XXX. Connection is policy based and it CAN'T be changed Currently public IPs are used for development and…
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Error when modifying classic Azure vnet

I'm trying to connect a classic Azure vnet to a new RM vnet. The end goal is to decommission the classic vnet, but I need to connect the two so I can get active directory servers going on the new vnet. Anyway - I've used the classic CLI to download…
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Azure Internal Load Balancer not Working

I'm trying to configure an Azure Internal Load Balancer, I have created in Basic SKU and Standard SKU. I want to use it with a SQL Server VM (TCP 1433), but is not working, when I test it with tcping to the front-end IP and port 1433 does'n respond.…
Alberto Medina
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DHCP in Azure in case of fail in Onprem

Please confirm can we install DHCP server in Azure. Actually, we want to use this Azure DHCP in case of DHCP fail in Onprem. Please confirm how can we enable the same IP addresses in the Azure by installing the DHCP server in the Azure. Incase of…
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Could not connect to Azure Ubuntu VM using Win10 BASH subsystem

Could not connect using Win10 BASH subsystem to newly created Azure Ubuntu server, the Microsoft technicians were unable to help but it appears that there is some kind of key issue. I used the following doc…
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Running PORT exposure on Microsoft Server

So this is admittedly a very n00b question on Microsoft Server, so please assume basic knowledge and be kind :). I do, however, feel I have a good knowledge of Linux networking concepts, but I am failing miserably with Microsoft. So, I am attempting…
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Scan internal network from cloud system?

I have an internal network with bunch of devices and there is firewall at entry point from internet. Is it possible to scan that entire internal network from the cloud server where I have tool (for exa: Nessus)? (Without installing any client…
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Address to be used to access private ipaddress for AZURE resource from on-premise

I can see how we can make an AZURE database, say COSMOS DB, a private IP address with Private link, that is fine. If you want to access that private link / IP address database from on-premise via site2site vpn, with a tool like Spotfire or Tableau,…
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Can worker roles in Azure Cloud Services have IIS as a reverse proxy?

I have a legacy application that listens to a specific TCP port and processes the incoming requests using a homemade non-HTTP protocol. I have to deploy this application to Azure, I made some research and it seems that Worker Roles can perfectly do…
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Hosting Azure Active Directory and retiring on-prem AD

Background:- We have Office 365 licenses and all employees have their individual mailboxes. Currently there is one Domain Controller, which not only hosts Active directory but also acts as DNS and DHCP Server. Intent is to retire on-prem AD and use…
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Power-BI API reporting 403 unauthorized (while trying to fetch the groups) with the service principle

Power-BI API is reporting 403 unauthorized (while trying to fetch the groups) with the service principle.
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Azure Windows VM cannot access file share of itself by public IP address

I made a virtual machine on Azure Virtual Machines with Windows Server 2019. I tried to access SMB file share of the server from the same machine. But it failed. access from: (The same machine) access to: (public IP…
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I can't create a NAT Gateway

I have a VNet /16 with 2 subnet /24 (private and public) In my Public subnet, i have a windows with a public IP. I can access this windows with RDP. In my Private subnet, I have a Linux with no public IP. I can access this linux from the public…
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Why should my web server be on a seperate network? (Azure)

Just to start, I fully understand that a webserver should be on a seperate network, in the DMZ, not connected to the domain (or at least in a different forest). However, Im website developer and making this argument to networking. I have made the…
S. Walker
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How to change IP address of azure NIC, as soon as azure load-balancer's health probe detect instance unhealthy?

I have two machines in backendpool of azure LB, I would like to update network interface usign rest api as soon as health probe detects vm is unhealthy. is there any way to to recoginse that event happened and then modify network interface? is there…
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