Questions tagged [azure-networking]

Questions related to azure networking: Virtual Networks, Load Balancers, routes, gatewayes and vpn/expressroute

334 questions
2 answers

How to restrict users from uploading files from Azure Virtual Desktop(AVD) to personal or public sites?

How to restrict users from uploading files from Azure Virtual Desktop(AVD) to personal or public sites like gmail, google drive, personal onedrive, personal office365 account, dropbox, box, github, gitlab, bitbucket, azure git, etc. such site.…
1 answer

100-1000 public IP addresses per instance in public cloud

I'd like to run an instance which can be accessed via 100-1000 different public addresses. It can be either IPv4 or IPv6. Is this possible to do in any public cloud currently? Preferably one of the known providers like…
1 answer

How can we move secondary IP address of from one NIC to other in Azure

I want to implement HA system on azure, for that I need to move secondary IP address of active vm to standby vm as soon failover happens, how can we do this?
1 answer

File copy from a physical server to a server in cloud is that considered egress or ingress?

If I'm copying files from on-prem Server to a Server on cloud via VPN, is it considered egress traffic? Thanks,
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